August 18, 2013
Angela Jayne Page: Congratulations
Lisa Schwartz: I LOVE the way you did
your announcement ~ you are soo creative
Ginger Faulk: Congrats...great way to
announce it!
Emily Rusch: Love the ducky. Congrats you two!!
Nadya John: Aaahh!! Congratulations
friends!! I'm so happy for you both!!
Kaolee Hoyle: Very cute! congrats!
Jalaire Hickman: I am so happy for
you both! Congratulations
Lisa Cornish Kotter: Great photos! So
fun and clever!
Sarah Latchaw: Congratulations!
Shauna Mosher: Emily! I am so happy
for you. You will be such a wonderful
mother. How are you feeling?
Emily Beth Rusch: Thanks Shauna
Mosher! I'm a little queezy when I get hungry. Very tired. Annoyed at my
bathroom wake up calls already but over all I am great. I have heard that it
can be so much worse and so I'm glad that these are the worst of my symptoms
right now. I go to the doctor on Friday for the first time and will get my
exact due date .
Shauna Mosher: I am so eager to hear
when you are due. Your pregnancy sounds just like mine. Just hold out until the
second trimester, that's when things get fun! I always cry easily too so I have
to limit the Disney movies!
Emily Beth Rusch: Lol oh my goodness!
I have to tell you about a rush of hormones I had the other day. I was reading
a book to the boys I nanny about a fire truck pulling horse that got retired
when they bought a fire engine truck. The truck broke down and the horse had to
pull it and the crown was cheering for the horse and I nearly started balling.
It was so weird and embarrassing in front of the boys lol.
Shauna Mosher: I have to hold back
tears reading library books to Owen. The Giving Tree has been a breaking point
these last few weeks but last night I almost made it through.
Emily Beth Rusch: Oh man. I guess
I'll just have to get used to it then lol.
Emily Beth Rusch: Oh also btw, I hear
you are a cloth diapperer and I would love to learn your ways
Shauna Mosher: I did cloth diaper a
bit with Andy but I stopped. I will definitely share my pros and cons with you.
Emily Beth Rusch: But yes? Yes what?
Now I'm confused.
Jefrilyn Ellison: Congratulations!
When are you due? How are you feeling? Emily Rusch, how was your dr apt?
Christiana Grace Gecowets:
Congratulations how exciting, your will be a wonderful mommy
Shauna Baang: LOL you guys are so
funny and awesome!!!
Cheryl Solomon Collins: Yeah!!!