Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Molly Bears Donations

So a couple weeks ago, I shared about the miracle of Addison's medical bills getting paid. Since those have been covered, I want to suggest a charity that helps parents of angel babies around the world. It's called Molly Bears. You might remember me talking about "Addison's Bear".

For quick reference, Addison's Bear was given to me by GMC because they believe that no mother should leave the hospital with empty arms. That bear went everywhere with me for a long time. Addison's Bear is not a Molly Bear though.

Molly (an angel baby) was born at 34 weeks many years ago. Her mother has devoted her life to creating bears in her memory for other angel parents. These bears are hand made for each family AND (the really cool part) they weigh exactly the same as the baby that the family lost. Here is more information about Molly and how Molly Bears was started.

I have ordered a Molly Bear which won't come to me until around June 2015 because they have so many orders (think of all those angel babies). I can't wait to get my 7lb 9oz bear for Addison. This bear I hope to include in yearly family pictures and bring whenever Addison's siblings come into the world.

It costs about $45 to make a bear. Any bear order costs $20 but otherwise they run 100% off donations. Here is a link to the bear breakdown.

I have created a rally page with Molly Bears for people to donate if they would like. A donation can be as small at $5. If $450.00 can be raised on Addison's behalf, my bear will be moved to the top of the list and I can receive it in about a month.

I'm not trying to ask for money to get Addison's Molly Bear faster. I actually went to get the link for the sight when making this post and realized then about the rally site. I just want to show everyone the best charity I found for my situation and something that helps to heal the hearts of so many families who have experience the loss of an infant.

Donations are completely anonymous, but (if you are comfortable) I would love to thank you personally if you have chosen to donate to this fund. You don't have to tell me how much. I just want to say thank you.

Here is a link to the my rally page followed by a video about Molly Bears. I will also be adding the rally page to this site for easy access.

With Love,

Addison's Mommy


  1. I have seen this. It is one of the sweetest ideas around. Your daughter is beautiful.
