Sunday, September 29, 2013

14 Weeks Update

September 29, 2013
14 weeks! It has been a crazy week. In addition to the stats given before, my vomit count increased by 8, doctor visits by 1, iv fluids by 500(some unit), lost 2 pounds and gained one yucky cough. I know, I know, I know that it will all be worth it but I don't think it's wrong to say I hated being pregnant this week. I am so looking forward to being able to feel the baby kick and find out the gender early November. I think pregnancy will be a bit more fun then. Thank you so much for all the prayers and to the wonderful people who gave me gifts this week. And I know you wish your bathroom was as cool as mine... Lol.

Chelsea Yancey: You're one hot mama!
Ginger Faulk: Looking barely pregnant! Yeah...bathroom envy here!
Hannah Granger: What a fab phone case you have there! 😊
Jessica Snider: I don't think I know anyone who loves their first trimester...pregnancy is worth it, but it is hard and uncomfortable....feeling the baby kick and finding out the gender are the best parts of pregnancy. Hang in there

Friday, September 27, 2013

18 Weeks Update

October 27, 2013
18 weeks! There it is in all it's glory. This week has been great. Emotionally I have felt more stable than the previous week (probably cuz I saw Nathan more). I haven't thrown up or taken any anti nausea pills in over a week as well so I think I can stop updating on that . My hip has been bothering me a bit this week likely from a stretch I did in cardio kickboxing but it felt very similar to sciatic pain. It is almost gone now though. I finally pulled all the clothes that I won't fit into during pregnancy out of my closet as well as the clothes I may never fit into again which I wore in hs. I wish I had the motivation to finish cleaning our bedroom and bathroom cuz I'm always good for 30 min and then I get tired and it looks messier than when I started! Mostly I just hate folding clothes. I've got 2 tests and a presentation this week and Halloween on top of it which is all making me a bit overwhelmed (especially cuz I procrastinate). But hopefully I will survive this week. Bathroom trips have become more frequent again (ANNOYING!) but that's really all I have to complain about. No special cravings or aversion still. Bed time is coming early tonight. Good night.
Cheri Granger Felipe: So great seeing yesterday,,,,,love you xoxo
Marcy Howard: yay. now that's a little baby bump

I Hate Cough Syrup

September 27, 2013
What is the best follow up food after cough syrup to all the moms out there? I hate hate hate syrup medicines and am seriously gonna have to try hard not to gag when I take this.

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Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Ice cream. That's the answer to all my problems, anyway
Lisa Schwartz: You have baby in the oven - try and let it run it's course then you don't have to gag anything down
Emily Beth Rusch: Lisa Schwartz, I went to the doctor yesterday and they had to give me fluids and my blood results were showing that I am fighting something. Doc recommended several medication (pregnancy safe) that I can take so that I can keep food down and I've been coughing hard enough to throw up lately. I've let it run its course for about a week and a half but it just getting worse and I'm losing weight so I'm pretty set on getting better now.
Lisa Schwartz: Wow - didn't know you had been do sick - prayers your way for you and baby
Martha Mooney Granger: sorry to hear you have been feeling bad!
Deborah Paulukaitis: The main medicines in cough syrups--guafensin and dextromethorphan--can also be found in pill form, both separately and together. I also HATE syrups and never take them if there is ever any alternative. There are generics and name brands in most drug stores as well as Target and Walmart. Feel Better! {{{hugs}}}

Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Hours at the Doctor

September 26, 2013
Well, after 5 hours at the doctor, having my blood taken, 2 hours of IV fluids, 2 prescriptions, and 2 over the counter medication recommendations, I'm feeling a lot better. No one said pregnancy would be easy, just that it would be worth it.

Gayle Mills: a VERY true statement!
Ginger Faulk: very true!
Jessica Snider: Are you ok? Is it the morning sickness?
Emily Beth Rusch: It's pregnancy weakened immune system, stomach bug/cough, dehydration, and headache. Currently I'm feeling much better but one thing led to another last night/this morning.
Cheri Granger Felipe: Glad ur feeling better
Amber Kunkee: Boyd Wow, that's legit!
Emily Rusch: Glad you're feeling better!!
Kami Walker: I love the optimism
Krista Mullins: What! So sorry! We can take a rain check tomorrow if you need to rest!!
Emily Beth Rusch: It will probably depend on if I still have a headache in the morning Krista Mullins, but I'll definitely let you know
Krista Mullins: Poor thing, I'm sorry you have it so rough!
Ginger Faulk: Sorry you are feeling bad but so glad you went to have it checked out ... Hope you feel better fast!
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: I feel for you--I really do.  It's become my theory, though, that the sicker you are, the cuter your baby will be.  After 3 pregnancies of puking nonstop (I'm not exaggerating) and losing weight instead of gaining, I have 4 precious kiddos who have proven my theory.  It was a little worse with the twins, though, because my belly got so big that it got hard to bend over the toilet--not good.  You won't have to worry about that, though. Hang in there, friend! I promise it won't last forever and you'll make it through just fine. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Jon Allen: You are on our prayers too. We love you Emily Rusch
Kami Walker: as optimistic as you are, things will be fine! I love you!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Puking on the Side of the Road

September 25, 2013
I always wonder what people think when they see me puking on the side of the road... Now that it's getting more frequent, I wonder if I should make a sign or something...

Brett Porter: "i hope she has a d.d."
Emily Beth Rusch: d.d?
Brett Porter: Designated driver
Emily Beth Rusch: ... No one has ever been with me as a pull off the road to puke during non-partying hours like 6:30 pm
Emily Beth Rusch: I'm just saying, I don't think anyone suspects me of being drunk.
Kami Walker: im sorry Emily! Hang in there!
Emily Rusch: The sign could say "Move along people. I'm just growing a human over here".
Tamra West: lol that would be a funny sign
Lisa Cornish Kotter: yuck. hope it passes soon.
Martha Mooney Granger: sorry to hear it! I hope it gets better.
Jon Allen: Yuck! Sorry it's such a struggle for you. You have an amazing attitude. I loved the sign idea. "Baking a baby"... please be safe. It scares me that you are having to stop on the side of the road..
Charles Buddy Granger: maybe...
Ginger Faulk: Gosh Emily it should be getting better not worse. Praying you'll start feeling better real soon!
Emily Beth Rusch: Thanks Ginger Faulk! Most of the time I just throw up once every few days. Yesterday I threw up 4 times, started a migraine which I still have, and already threw up this morning. I also have a cough now which might be the second part of a cold I had last week. I'm just wondering how bad I should let it get before I go to the doctor ya know.
Ginger Faulk: Maybe it might be time to give the dr a call. That seems like too much going on all at once. They may be able to suggest something that wouldn't harm the baby. I know it's worth it when you get to the end and hold that sweet baby, but you've really been through it the last few days!
Jessica Snider: Lol you're too funny...way to have a positive attitude
Marcy Howard: lol well, if it happened toward the end of the pregnancy they'd know, now they just think you're some hung over chick who can't hold her alcohol.  But we know so that's all that matters  can't wait to see your next ultrasound pictures!  oh...I was so sick with Marian that when I got pregnant with Autumn and was sick again I knew she was a girl. At the same time, my blood sugar was out of whack w/ autumn so it was so much worse. Lasted the whole pregnancy. But hey that was 10yrs ago! Hope you feel better real soon!!
Jessica Jones Marsaw: Bless your heart, that is so miserable. Hope you start to feel better soon!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

13 Week Update

September 22, 2013
The 13 week/ second trimester bump! 1st trimester report: No migraines (until today), 1 cold, 1 stomach bug, 15-20 vomit count, lots of gold fish eaten, past cravings were soy sauce and Taco Bell (but not together), super pealy hands and feet (gone now), occasional extreme exhaustion, and slight wardrobe changes. All in all, feeling better mostly and excited to feel my baby kick and learn the gender in November. 

Eric Petersen: Huzzah, that baby is going to be the shiz.
Emily Beth Rusch: Oh and also, nightly bathroom break stands at 1 but is getting earlier and earlier.
Catherine Doerr: cool...growing beans!
Tina Marie Rusch: Remember how I told you about the nightly bathroom breaks! So fun! Worth it, though!
Jessica Snider: You look so cute!! Can't wait to did out what you're having.
Chelsea Johnston: was your stomach bug included in the 15-20 vomit count? That's a lot of throwing up  but cute bump!!
Emily Beth Rusch: Yes it was which added about 6 from that 1 day.
Jon Allen: You've never been more beautiful! It makes very happy when new mommy's-to-be proudly show off their "bumps"... Love it!
Camden Fordham Inman: You look so cute! I'm so excited for you!! The first trimester was the hardest for me and the second is AMAZING! You can eat again and everything tastes amazing!! I can't wait to find out what you are having! And to meet your little one sometime!  Keep posting your progress! I love to know!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Baby Rusch Just Chillin'

September 20, 2013
Baby Rusch just chillin! — with Nathan Rusch.


Camden Fordham Inman: Isn't getting an ultrasound fantastic?? I loved when I got to see Will for the first time.
Emily Beth Rusch: Well we already had one at 9 weeks but baby just looked like a bean.
Camden Fordham Inman: Yeah. Its more fun the farther along you are.  We only did one and I was 20 weeks i believe, or somewhere around there.  But it was fun to see him pretty much fully formed at that point.
Cheri Granger Felipe: Nice and perfect!
Emily Rusch: Aaawww so cute already!!
Catherine Doerr: A place of prominice...on the frig I hope for all to see!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Prego People and Colds Don't Mix

September 18, 2013
I hate having a cold!!! And what's worse is prego people can't have drugs!!! OR at least the good ones...

Tina Marie Rusch: Colds when you are pregnant are the worst. Tylenol only. But, just remember, it will make your baby healthy. So it's worth it!
Karen Jones: Pregnant colds never ever go away.....just you!
Emily Beth Rusch: Like I will never get healthy or I will get them during all of my pregnancies?
Chelsea Johnston: We're more susceptible to colds because we are pregnant. I've had a cold for the past week and a half and it's definitely not fun, but I just think about how at least I'm not throwing up all day long anymore.  Tylenol, lots of sleep, and even more fluids!
Chelsea Johnston: Feel better, Emily!!!
Kristi Yancey: Ugh- I caught a cold about 3 times throughout my pregnancy, which is a lot more frequent (and miserable) than my non-pregnant life. I recommend Riccola and lots of herbal tea with honey. I hope you feel better soon!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Nauseas and Stranded

September 13, 2013
Stranded at a gas station cuz I didn't want to puke on the way home from work for the third day in a row... Hoping my drugs kick in.

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Michelle Granger Moose:  I hope someone is on the way!
Emily Beth Rusch: Well I'm in my car so I'm capable of getting home and haven't asked anyone to get me. I just get car sick super easy and it's a 20 min drive.
Michelle Granger Moose: Surely your husband knows
Emily Beth Rusch: He's at work. I could text him but it wouldn't make a difference. I can wait it out. It's just getting annoying to be so sensitive to nausea all the time.
Michelle Granger Moose: OK but he should know as well and I hope you feel better!
Camden Fordham Inman: ALMONDS!!! Are you carrying Almonds with you??
Emily Beth Rusch: Lol no... I can't even remember to take my purse with me lol. Just wait till I'm supposed to carry around a diaper bag...
Camden Fordham Inman: You should leave a bag in your car and then a bag at work and a bag anywhere else you are constantly at.  It'll help you!!
Michelle Granger Moose: Depend on your husband to help you now and in the future. You should not have to take this walk alone.
Emily Beth Rusch: I wish there was a prego lady safe at church...
Michelle Granger Moose: Keep peanut butter crackers with you it helps like lance crackers
Camden Fordham Inman: Lol. My mom says peppermint hard candy is great.
Emily Beth Rusch: He does but he is a GM and can't just leave work. He is amazing and does all he can for me when he can. If he didn't have this job we probably wouldn't be starting our family right now.
Michelle Granger Moose: Ok good to know!
Cheri Granger Felipe: I hope u feel better!
Chelsea Johnston: I hope those drugs kick in! Mine worked reallyyy great for the first few weeks, but I feel like my body is just immune to them now. lol one of my co-workers is pregnant too and she has been super super sick and swears by peppermints. She's literally always carrying a bag around with her. Anything that works! I hope you find something that helps for you.
Emily Beth Rusch: Mine still work but I don't have constant nausea any more... its more like I feel nauseas about 10 min before I throw up so I hardly even have enough time to recognize it and take the pill. And some things trigger it quicker and so I'm also just trying to avoid the triggers... Driving home at dinner time is a tough one because I don't want to eat and be full when I get home but I can't make it driving on an empty stomach.
Chelsea Johnston: yeah that is a tough one. Especially for that long of a drive. Maybe just snacking on something while driving? I know I can't do that, but maybe you can! Who knows! For some reason with me, the movement plus eating is just way too much. But if I have a snack before having to drive for awhile, that tends to help a little bit because obviously an empty stomach isn't a good thing.
Chelsea Johnston: And of course, there is the hope that once you hit your second trimester you'll magically feel better  because your hormones will start evening out  3 more days for me! So I guess 8 for you! Yay!!!
Emily Beth Rusch: How 3 for you? My 12 weeks is tomorrow... isn't that 3rd trimester time?
Emily Beth Rusch: shoot... I just googled it... ur right. I have to wait till the end of next week. LAME
Chelsea Johnston: i believe it's technically through the 12th week. So once you reach 13 weeks
Emily Beth Rusch: I was gonna post imaginary bump pictures too lol... well maybe they will be less imaginary if I wait another week
Emily Rusch: Boo!!!
Shauna Baang: Emily try sucking on a lemon or smelling peppermint I have heard that those help with the issue that you are having. Hope this helps and that you get to feeling better soon!
Kami Walker: I'm so sorry!
Martha Mooney Granger: hang in there!
Catherine Doerr: Dry Saltines!
Ginger Faulk: Try taking saltines to nibble on while driving home...won't fill you up but might help with the throwing up.
Chelsea Yancey: I didn't get nausea when I was pregnant, but then again I was only 8 weeks pregnant when I had my miscarriage in February. However with my very first pregnancy I had a little nausea, but peppermint candies helped me. I know you probably don't like hearing this, but maybe the nausea is a good thing. My doctor said that not having nausea can sometimes lead to a miscarriage. Maybe that's just with my condition. I don't want to put fear into you. If you ever need anything please let me know.
Emily Beth Rusch: Thanks Chelsea Yancey! That's very sweet of you. I think mine picked up most around 9 and is tapering off now at 12 which is probably how it sneaks up on me. My second doc appt is this Friday so hopefully everything is still normal and healthy.
Phyllis Pitts Rowberry: My situation was similar to Chelsea's, but I miscarried at 13 weeks. However, my SIL was really sick and she swore by cinnamon Jolly Ranchers! I guess it's whatever works for you. Hang in there!
Deborah Paulukaitis: Gala apples and dry toast with fat free cream cheese (I know--very specific) were my saves with my last child (even kept apples by my bed at night). My healthcare providers gave me the tip on the 'eat every hour' and AT LAST I thought I might just live through it. I made sure to never have an empty stomach. Sending {{{hugs}}}....

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I Dream of Baby

September 4, 2013
Just had my first dream about meeting my baby. So special.

Camden Fordham Inman: You will have a lot of those. They are precious! And make you extremely anxious to meet your little one.  I love those dreams! Shows your ready! lol.  At least I like to think so.
Lisa Cornish Kotter: Uh, oh. I never had any of those dreams. I guess I'm still not ready.
Emily Beth Rusch: Lol Lisa Cornish Kotter, I'm not sure I will ever be ready but I do know I'm anxious to meet my sweet baby.
Camden Fordham Inman: Oh Emily! You'll be a fantastic mom!!  I'm sure of it.
Emily Beth Rusch: Lol thanks Camden Fordham Inman. I don't doubt I'll be good at it, but that doesn't mean I'll necessarily ever be ready. I expect to mostly learn as I go... Or at least do better the next time around lol.
Camden Fordham Inman: That is true. lol. I'll definately be the same way.  But it's an experience that I am so very excited for!!
Chelsea Johnston: Maybe I'm crazy, but I've had 5 of those dreams already. haha the first one was before I even knew if I was pregnant yet! It's so crazy! Best dreams ever though for sure
Jefrilyn Ellison: Was your baby a boy or a girl?
Emily Beth Rusch: Lol I didn't notice that in the dream. But baby was definitely tan. Must take after Nathan.
Chelsea Johnston: Mine was definitely a boy in all of them. Or at least the baby was always wearing sometime blue. haha oh my goodness your baby is going to be so cute! I really hope he/she is tan like Nathan! Ahh!!
Emily Beth Rusch: Tan like him with my blue eyes! Unless its a ginger which I would love with fair skin. My baby was naked in my dream but I just didn't notice the anatomy. I was focusing on how tiny and perfect baby was.
Emily Rusch: All of my dreams of baby were that it was a girl. Even after I had evidence it was a boy. Weird subconscious.