Monday, October 28, 2013

Parking Advantage!

October 28, 2013
Taking advantage because I can! They should have these at school.

Tamra West: Those are awesome!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pregos Should Not be Compared with Grizzly Bears

Nathan Rusch
September 25, 2013
I told the youth that I work with that I have not seen my wife all day. And that they do not want to have the wrath of a pregnant women. Then logon said he would rather face a grizzly bear.

Emily Rusch: Pretty accurate.
Emily Beth Rusch: Does this mean you're on your way home?!?
Joan Vernott: Uh oh...BUSTED Nathan!!!
Mark Tuttle: women will use any excuse to be in a bad mood...I never understood why men let them get away with it...If I hurt my leg (dealing with discomfort) that doesn't give me the right to treat people differently...The culture needs to re-evaluate things
Mark Tuttle: especially when even children are noticing
Nathan Rusch: Mark. I'm not sure what your thoughts are. But we are totally joking and not being serious at all.
Nathan Rusch: And I can say that my wife treats me great. Like the bronze god that I am. Lol
Preston Stewart: Mark must still be single. I thought the joke was pretty funny.

Monday, October 21, 2013

17 Weeks Update

October 21, 2013
17 week update (a few days late again)! Only threw up once last week! Also only took one anti-nausea pill (windy roads to Elijah). Hardly any cough anymore which is great. I even think I felt a couple rolling movements in my belly . I'm still avoiding meat when I can but gaining a couple lbs despite it! Also my bump is getting a little in the way, obviously not much but I just notice it when I pick something up off the floor and that sort of thing. Finally loving the prego life!

Stefanie Vaught: Lookin good momma! We need to get together!!
Sarah Christine Love: You'll love the second trimester! It isn't called the honeymoon trimester for nothing!
Ginger Faulk: So glad things are improving! The throwing up is easing off...YAY!
Catherine Doerr: You look different...could it be the "glow"

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Who has the Bigger Bump?

October 12, 2013

Seems my dad’s a little further along than my older sister lol  — with Emily Beth Rusch and Charles Buddy Granger.


Martha Mooney Granger: By posing in this picture you made your daughters very happy!

16 Weeks Update

October 12, 2013
16 week update. I have felt a lot better this week. I love sleeping in and not being woken up by my bladder. I don't get car sick anymore. I only threw up twice this week and took 2 anti nausea pills which is a great improvement but I did almost pass out at school on Thursday. I still have a cough but it's slowly getting better. I'm definitely showing now and finding I have a more limited wardrobe. Shirt length is my main problem. I'm super started to feel the baby move and kick in the next month!

Michelle Granger Moose: Looking good momma!
Cheri Granger Felipe: What a cute little bump! Lol
Emily Rusch: You're still so itty bitty! Glad you're feeling a little better.
Catherine Doerr: Lovin it mama

Sock Puppets

October 12, 2013
My cutest husband in his sock puppets, came home and brought me delicious cooked (prego safe) sushi, got me ice cream and rotated the laundry. He fell asleep while we were catching up on our shows. Gosh I love him! — with Nathan Rusch.

Patti Mendez Cagle: What sweetie-pie! Love the "gloves"!
Hannah Granger: My turn to be the annoying Facebook friend... You have more than 1 husband?! Lol
Emily Beth Rusch: lol I meant he looks the cutest now compared to the rest of the time
Hannah Granger: So the rest of the time he's unattractive? lol I'm just yanking ur chain
Ginger Faulk: A keeper!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Massive Laundry

October 10, 2013
Attempting to conquer the massive pile of laundry that has accumulated since I started getting more sick. Good thing I have Independence Day to keep me awake and yummy dark chocolate.
Chelsea Johnston I've been having the same problem with laundry and school work! Hooray for those days that we don't feel completely miserable and can get some work done! Hope you start feeling better and not worse again!

Maternity Clothes

October 10, 2013

How long do you think I can go without buying maternity clothes (other than the pants I already got? p.s. this is a double sided question, how long can I make my clothes fit and how long till I just need a shopping spree.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Depends on how comfortable you want to be.  I have some clothes you can borrow if you're interested.
Emily Beth Rusch: very interested! I've been wearing t-shirts most of the time, partially cuz I have 2 exercise classes at school and partially cuz most my other stuff I bought in HS and it definitely doesn't fit, and I was noticing yesterday that my shirt was kinda tight and uncomfy. I could just graduate to Nathan's t-shirts but I don't think he would prefer that.
Camden Fordham Inman: I didn't really get maternity clothes until the later end of my second trimester. I went to goodwill and got a lot of empire waist shirts and dresses and skirts that have a stretchy waist band. I wore lots of leggings and gouchos.  And t-shirts and gym shorts and sweats. I didn't want to buy materinty clothes brand new so I waited until I absolutely needed them and then happened to find someone that had some they just finished using.
Krista Mullins: No shame in maternity clothes! And seriously, after a kid or two you'll kick yourself for holding out. No one is going to give you a trophy, just wear what is MADE for your body at this time in your life!
Krista Mullins: You'll be surprised how cute maternity stuff is these days anyways. And the comfort will astound you!
Sarah Latchaw: I get mine out by month 4. I love my comfy clothes. You will wish you did it sooner. Rock that baby bump like it's your business.
Krista Mullins: And if it helps, you can think of it as an investment because unfortunately, at least for me, those maternity clothes become a necessity much sooner come the next baby...
Emily Beth Rusch: Oh I totally love maternity clothes! I'm just trying to hold out for financial reasons. Tires for my car this month weren't cheap
Tina Marie Rusch: Seriously, one day you will wake up and wish you had them! They are soooo comfy! Maxi dresses were my fave, and not even maternity ones. Target has them cheap.
Krista Mullins: I always have CRAZY good luck at consignment sales. They may be through this fall.... not sure, but Kid to Kid is a maternity/kids consignment that has good stuff usually. I will have to pull mine out and see if I have any I can part with.
Krista Mullins: *consignment STORE, sorry
Sarah Latchaw: Also eBay.  or if you go to the Salvation Army on venture drive they have cute cheap stuff from old navy and motherhood. Or if you find some jeans you want turned into maternity pants let me know I have a friend whose mom does that;) I actually found a bunch of mine on craigslist at someone's house in buck head. She did all the hard wok finding the stuff and I got a deal since she was done having kids:)
Jennifer Wallace Wells: You need a Bella band! I never had to buy maternity pants!
Emily Beth Rusch: I got 2 of those early on but I hate that my jeans button showed through and I was constantly adjusting it
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: I'll pull mine back out and put them in my trunk. We can meet up after stake conference on Sunday.
Emily Beth Rusch: That sounds amazing tabitha! Thanks a ton!!!
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: I also have some Preggy Pops you can have. They didn't do anything for me, but maybe they will for you--worth a try anyway.
Camden Fordham Inman: GOODWILL!! That's what I did.
Emily Beth Rusch: Camden Fordham Inman, I love you but buying clothes at goodwill drives me crazy. I hate the hunt that is so disorganized and trying to find my size including things long enough for me. I will resort to it if need be but for now, it's at the bottom of my list.
Camden Fordham Inman: Lol.  I completely understand.  that makes sense.  It is a search everytime, which sucks, but to me it's worth the possiblity of coming across a couple of great finds for real cheap.  lol. I also asked around the ward to see if anyone was giving some away, but it looks like lots of people here are willing to help you out!
Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis: My pants usually fit until the last month. It is my shirts that I need to buy. Buying the half shirts work.
Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis: This is an example. I wear mine under my shirts to give my shirts length. I would also buy some clothes that are nice and good quality. You will probably do it again. Buy them as you need them. You never know how your body will grow. You may be huge or have just a tiny bump. Look around online and you can find good deals. If you want to try stuff on just to see go to one of the pregnancy stores. They have bumps you can try on with the clothes. Have fun with it.
Chelsea Johnston: I've already switched to almost completely maternity clothes (minus like basketball shorts, sweats, and tshirts) because it was getting super uncomfortable to try and squeeze into regular clothes. At this point, your baby will start growing rapidly. Like an inch a week I believe.

Monday, October 7, 2013

15 Weeks Update

October 7, 2013

Well I'm a couple days late in posting my 15 week update but here it is. Unfortunately I have no belly picture to post cuz I'm lazy and there's really been no amazing belly growth progress. I lost 3lbs last week (obviously not on purpose) but only got sick 3 times. I'm not exactly sure why I have lost weight. I haven't let myself go hungry and I help myself to desert but it may have to do with having very little interest in meat. I still have a cough and if it's not gone by Saturday, Nathan has mandated that I'm going to the doctor again. I'm not sure there's much else to report. Just livin the life of a prego woman.

Marcy Howard: don't fret...I weighed 109 at my first doctors appointment w/dale, gained a little, lost more....but He turned out fine...its fairly normal.  Its the little body inside you that sucks up all the nutrition.
Chelsea Yancey: I find it pretty normal to lost a couple pounds early in your pregnancy.
Emily Beth Rusch: I wouldn't find it abnormal if I was still in my first trimester but from what I have read, I should have gained 2-3 in first trimester ideally and a lb a week during second trimester but overall I'm down 3. I would understand it more also if I was having a hard time keeping food down but my appetite has been normal and I haven't gotten sick after eating. I just want to make sure that if my body needs more food, but doesn't want it, I start trying a little harder.
Chelsea Yancey: The baby takes what it needs and you get what's left. LOL I wouldnt be worried as long as you're making good choices about what you're eating, getting enough water, and taking your vitamins. I'm sure the baby is getting what it needs. If you were losing a lot of weight or felt unwell then maybe it would be something to worry about.
Kami Walker: and you are doing a great job! excited for you becoming a mom!
Martha Mooney Granger: you are doubly blessed with the baby and Nathan!
Shauna Baang: Emily I hope things get better for you soon so you can enjoy your pregnancy. The first time I was pregnant it took forever before I started showing and I also lost weight in the beginning! Hang in there and I am sure it will get better and enjoy not showing while you can cause once you do you will find all kinds of people giving you advice whether you want it or not!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Super Blessed

October 4, 2013

Feeling super blessed. Nathan Rusch came home last night after I had fallen asleep in my clothes, cleared off the bed, snuggled up to me and gave me the sweetest kiss on the forehead. Then this morning, before leaving for school, he crawled back in bed with me just to give me a little more snuggle time before leaving. This is how we make use of the little time we have together now. We knew this year of our lives was going to be really challenging but I'm so glad we can cherish the few moments we have together.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hannah is Not Pregnant

October 2, 2013
Hannah Granger

"Just to clarify, I am NOT pregnant. My older sister, Emily Beth Rusch, got married to Nathan Rusch over a year ago and they are expecting a baby in March"