Monday, December 30, 2013

Birthdays in Perspective

December 30, 2013
This year on my birthday, I get to have a taste of what my mom, Amy Dupras Granger, did for me 22 years ago. Being pregnant has been wonderful but way harder than I thought. I know I can't change the concept of birthdays totally but I really thing we should be celebrate the women who have given birth and call it delivery day. Anyway, thanks mom for having me. Thanks for throwing up so many times, out growing all your clothes, the heat flashes, the cravings and aversions, the tiny bladder annoyances, the stretch marks, and especially the pelvic pain that is currently causing me to waddle more. I'm sure there's more but I haven't gotten there yet. Love you mom!
Amy Dupras Granger: Sweet daughter of mine, thanks for all the joy you are to me. You are going to be a wonderful mom!
Serenity Anderson: Happy Birthday!
Shauna Baang: Happy birthday Emily! Hopefully your little one will give you a break today
Emily Rusch: Mothers are truly the unsung heroes! 😇 Happy birthday dearest!
Charles Buddy Granger: Was a pleasure
Jon Allen: What a sweet message. You are the best.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Crummy Checkup

December 24, 2013
I wouldn't mind so much that my ob appt is running 40 min late except Nathan Rusch just had to leave for work and now I'm here by myself. I hate going to these appts by myself cuz it makes it seem like my husband doesn't care to be here and I may not remember all the questions I have or remember all the information they give me. I'm kinda pissed.
Amy Dupras Granger: Hmmmm. Oh well. I wonder why the doc was late? Hopefully she or he helped someone else have a better day.
Tamra West: For future reference, the two of you could write down the questions you have beforehand so if he has to go to work, you still know what you want to ask.
Cheryl Solomon Collins: That's pretty amazing he has been at all! My husbands job wasn't so that he could! But most of us sitting there were by ourselves! So chin up you will be ok!!!
Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis: Don't be upset. It is not worth it. You know your husband cares and that is enough. Smile!
Lisa Cornish Kotter: I only ever cared if my husband came when we found out the gender.
Emily Beth Rusch: I love that Nathan wants and tries to be at every appointment. Turns out the patient before me had gone into labor and so I understand that she took priority. I hope they would do the same for me. It was just frustrating that we had made an effort for Nathan to be there and he was but it just didn't work out. Maybe I will care less about him being at these appointments for future children but for now, I love the support. I also happened to love the midwife I met today and she is currently my favorite so that helped to sway my disappointment.
Jon Allen: Merry Christmas, Emily Rusch. We love you.
Melissa Jensen Allen: I know the feeling!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Addison's Blanket

December 23, 2013

Emily Beth Rusch: Just finished Addison's blanket.
Serenity Anderson: Love it
Emily Rusch: Looks gorgeous!!!

26 Weeks Update

December 23, 2013
26 weeks 2 days prego! Only 5 days till third trimester. I'm starting to feel big. My balance has definitely shifted to where I have to push myself up when standing up. My pelvis started hurting today as if someone was pushing on a bruise. Yay for new symptoms. Also my heart burn has started earlier in the day around 12 so yay for more tums. I might do pepsid if it gets worse. I also am starting to get little headaches mostly in the evening. My belly button is completely flat and I can push it out in a funny way when I flex my belly. I did puke around 1:30 last which was the first time in months but I think it was something I ate. I'm excited for our child birth and preparation class on January seventh and I really think it will all become so real then. Last think I want to emphasize is that Nathan has been utterly amazing. I could not ask for a more considerate or helpful husband. No request is ever too much for him. I hope you guys enjoy these posts and sorry that I forget to do them as frequently as I'd like. Merry Christmas y'all.
Camden Fordham Inman Try papaya pills from any health food store for your heart burn! Works better than tums! At least for me.
Ginger Faulk Looking good mom!
Jessica Snider You look amazing and have such a great attitude  I'm pretty sure I complained the whole last half of my pregnancy lol. Merry Christmas to y'all!!! It will all be worth it once the baby comes!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Best Compliment Ever

December 22, 2013
Yesterday, after having a very rough day, the female cashier at Walmart said to me, "you are the most gorgeous pregnant woman I have ever seen." I probably would have cried had I not been so wrapped up in my stress. Mind you, I also had not showered yesterday, had my hair in a messy pony tail, was wearing Nathan's t shirt and sweatpants, and had no make up on. I think I'll just cling on to that glory moment a little while longer.

Emily Rusch: That's the sweetest. And you are pretty stunning whether you're showered or not!
Ginger Faulk: She was seeing the natural beauty in you.
Martha Mooney Granger: Sometimes God finds ways to give you a spiritual hug
Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis: That is the nicest thing I have ever heard, especially that it happened at Walmart. I love this. Glad it happened to you!!!!
Jon Allen: Martha Pressley said it all. What a beautiful tender mercy. It's indicative to me of two things; 1) God loves you so very much and is mindful of your struggles and 2) it is important to follow the gentle promptings we receive so we can be His angels of mercy. I want to hug that cashier!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Baby Dental Coverage?!?

December 19, 2013
So I did a lot of looking for pediatricians and my insurance today but my favorite part was when the insurance agent told me how much dental coverage would be for baby Addison... Cuz her gums might get cavities or something right?? But on a serious note.... when do children need dental coverage and/or start going to the dentist? I know that you can start brushing their teeth before they go to the dentist but I definitely want to avoid having any kids with a dental phobia.
Brea Echard: A dental assistant I know said about 4. I nannied a girl that went at 3
Brittany Goodyear: I've read at one year. Savannah's doctor suggested at 2. I'm thinking 3 or 4.
Krista Mullins: Yeah 3 or 4. Babies most certainly do not need dental coverage...
Jessica Jones Marsaw: My girls see a pediatric dentist and their office recommends starting at 18 mo., which is what we have done.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: I took Adam when he was 3 and Hannah when she was 2. Adam definitely had a better first experience.
Shauna Baang: I started taking my kids between 12-18 months
Braden Hansen: We haven't put Macie on yet. Babies don't have teeth for a while. I am glad we haven't wasted the money.
Tamra West: Tristan didn't see a dentist until he was 3. Gavin started at 2. I would recommend starting at 2. Tristan is still apprehensive about the dentist at 6.
Sarah Latchaw: Fiona went at 3. She was fantastic. I have brushed my kids teeth as soon as they start to get them. Just with water at first and then with the baby toothpaste and then with regular toothpaste when they can spit. It's a beautiful thing. Jackson knows he gets his teeth brushed before bath time. He says teeth and then points to his toothbrush. He's only 16 months old. It's exciting.
Shauna Mosher: This is a good question. We chose to wait to take Owen to the dentist when he was almost 4. When I called them they said they do a very light cleaning the first time just so the kids don't get scared and that they will try and do xrays but even after waiting till 4 they were still not able to get useful pictures. Owen loved going to the children's dentist and they are so sweet to kids. He would be fine going back with no fears. As far as oral care goes, I started with both as soon as they were born. I rubbed a damp cloth along their gums at night after their last feeding. I kept using the cloth until they got 4 or so teeth. The earlier you start the more accustom they become to having their teeth cleaned. Andy loves brushing his teeth too! I know babies who nurse don't get the flouride in water that babies who bottle feed get. I really don't know if this makes a difference but its something to note.
Shauna Mosher: Oh, something else I forgot about is bottle rot. You probably know about this but I bet this is why baby dental insurance is what it is. By the time babies get teeth they are usually sleeping through the night so they don't need a midnight feeding but on the off chance that they do, its important to clean them then too. And it can be a really bad idea to give babies juice or milk in their crib for naps or at night because it rots their teeth like nothing else. I know of a guy who's daughter had to get caps on her teeth when she was 2 because of that.

The Search for a Pediatrician Begins

December 19, 2013
Well, I'm starting the search for pediatricians for baby Addison in the Lilburn area. I think I can go in and meet the doctor or something like that right? We will have Assurant coverage so I have found a list of in network but does anyone have any recommendations that can narrow my search??
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Brittany Goodyear: I love Dr. Duffy at Gwinnett Pediatrics and Adolescents Medicine. They're in Lawrenceville if that's not too far for you.
Emily Beth Rusch: That's not too far at all and they are on the list! I'm going to give them a call to see what their new baby policies are. Nathan also suggested Dr. Tenenbaum in stone mtn which is who he saw as a kid. He is also in network but they don't have a "meet and greet" option.
Amy Dupras Granger: Remember to ask for their policies on infant vaccines with respect to which ones are optional and which are mandatory. And remember you are Mama Bear and it's your cub:D
Brittany Goodyear: I've seen one other doctor there besides Dr. Duffy and don't remember his name but I liked him as well. The whole staff there has been very good to us.
Sarah Latchaw: Dr vijay aorta at Lilburn pediatrics. She is amazing. And so is the other doctor dr. Carr. Huge fans right here. They are on lawrenceville highway across from Home Depot.
Emily Beth Rusch: Thanks Sarah Latchaw, those doctors are also in network! I'm excited to have so many options!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

School + Pregnancy = BUSY

December 10, 2013
2 Finals to go and then freedom!!! Or at least freedom until I try to cram an entire semester into 2 months before the baby comes while in my third trimester in January....
Chong Xiong: 1 aced, 1 so-so, I about to fail in 20 min, 1 think I can do good for today, and 1 need to really study for on Thursday. Good luck!
Serenity Anderson: I feel exhausted reading this!
Emily Beth Rusch: I could kill for a nap right now myself... but too much studying needs to be done...
Tamra West: 2 A's down and 2 to go for me.
Amy Dupras Granger: After your finals, let the Christmas baking BEGIN!
Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis: I had James 3 weeks before finals. I took one of my finals writing with one hand and rocking the stroller with the other so he would not cry. Fun times! He went to two more semesters of school with my husband and I. When we graduated we got him a cap and gown and he walked with. We even got our picture in the paper. Good luck!!!
Emily Beth Rusch: That's awesome Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis! Did you go to byu? I can see them being more baby friendly there. I will only have 2 semesters left after Addison comes and am not sure where she will need to be during classes in the fall and following spring.
Wendy Camarena Paulukaitis: I was at BYU. I had some teachers let me take him and others who would not. Adam took him and I also had a friend who watched him for one of my classes. She sat outside the classroom with him. He was great until he was about 5 months. Before that he just slept through everything. You may find someone who can watch her while your in class on campus. That way if you plan to nurse it is easier on you. If you are lucky she will nurse and use the bottle with no problem. James did that for us from day one. Find out what resources you have at school. Like where to nurse and which teachers will bring her. What classes would be better to take in which semester, etc. It was rough, but we got through it.