Thursday, September 11, 2014

6 months

My Dearest Addison,

It has been six months since you were born. Six months since I never heard you cry. Six months since since you never opened your eyes. Six months since our lives changed forever... But not how we expected. 

I miss you. I have distractions though. I think you would be proud of me. 

I'm going to share your story this Sunday. So far, I have about 60 people who have rsvped. It has been a while since I have told anyone your story, mostly because no one has asked to hear it. It's important to me that they know it though. .. That they know you. 

You room is still up but not finished. Maybe next week I will start working on your curtains and crib skirt...

I doubt I'll ever stop wishing to go back. Back to your life. Back to when I was your mother and that was my full time job. 

I will always love you. 

With time passing against my will,

Your Mommy

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