Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Stupid shenanigans

I just want to say that I'm a little (a lot) disappointed in some health care people right now. Here is why (without giving too many details). 

One person FORGOT that my daughter died even when another doctor called in advance to tell them. One person thinks they need a release form for my participation which is STUPID. One person is changing practices and so I'm trying to figure out if I follow them to a further location or change people. And One person has been requested to give me a call and has not yet done so. 

That's 4 different shenanigans this week! I really don't need all this on top of a migraine right now... And I am learning that my pre-pregnancy migraine medication no longer works for me. Just one more doctor I have to talk to!

This may not seem like it relates but I wouldn't have ANY of these problems right now if Addison hadn't died and even if I did, they wouldn't feel like a thousand pounds each. 

Thanks in advance for not asking for further details about these problems. It's none of your business, I just needed to vent and feel heard. 

With irritation,

Addison's Mommy