Sunday, February 23, 2014

All My Piggies had Roast Beef

February 23, 2014
My feet at 8:30 am before even stepping out of bed. I'll take another picture tonight to compare.
Catherine Granger Davis: Put your feet above your heart in bed at night.
Kaolee Hoyle: Whoa! Does it hurt?
Emily Beth Rusch: It doesn't really hurt. When its bad at night my feet feel kinda numb. My first few steps in the morning are kinda painful too but I'm not sure if that is from the swelling or walking on hardwoods or both.
Victoria Vaught: Ask your doctor about a safe diuretic to help with the swelling and avoid salty foods which will make it worse.
Krista Mullins: Yeah I can empathize with you on this one! Sorry friend!
Kristi Yancey: I had that happen. It was pretty miserable. Try cutting down on salt and increase your water intake. Strangely, watermelon helps a lot, but that might be kind of hard to find this time of year. Hang in there! You're in the home stretch.
Krista Mullins: I love putting a cold, wet wash cloth on my swollen feet and yeah drinking tons of water is supposed to help too.
Amy Dupras Granger: Sweetie, your feet are trying to tell you something. A few celery sticks or an orange might help, along with putting your feet up
Shauna Mosher: I've been combating swelling the last few weeks too. The things that have helped the most for me have been to fill the bath with cold water then just stick my feet in for a few minutes. I leave the water in there so in an hour or so I can do it again. Bejean has been really awesome with foot massages too. He squeezes from my toes to my calves and manually pushes the extra fluid up to get it recirculating. This has been the most effective. Good luck Emily! We are on the home stretch!
Emily Rusch: Oh darling. I'm so sorry.
Nyla Love: They look like they hurt! Sooo sorry...12 oz. of lemon water first thing when you get up in the morning helped me.

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