Sunday, July 20, 2014

The depth of our pain

There have been 7 new commenters on the blog and I have fallen behind in my picture posting. A lot of the pictures I have shared are just pretty but some have meaning and depth and history. This picture below is one I have debated sharing. It is the only picture we have of us looking at the camera while holding our little girl. To me, we look awful. Absolutely terrible. We were running on minimal sleep. Our hopes and dreams had just been shattered. Our dead baby is in our arms. This is not the family portrait we should have had.

I had no idea what to do when she said to look at the camera. What kind of face are you supposed to make in this sort of situation? How can you adequately express that kind of emotion that is so raw? I don't think I have ever seen a picture or a painting in my life that shows what this picture shows.

This picture shows how I feel almost every day. Everyday I have to  hold my beautiful, perfect, dead baby and face the world.
With Love,
Addison's Mommy


  1. You both are so brave. I don't think I could have looked at the camera.

  2. I think of your loss and wish I could come and offer comfort, lunch any thing but I am afraid of Anna and that it would increase your pain. Please let me know and maybe we can invite your mother in law since I am friends with her. I am praying for you and I too think you are so very brave.

  3. I can finally post on the blog!

    Em, I pray for you everyday -- for you, and Nathan, and Addison, and everyone who has been affected by your sweet girl's passing. You are strong. Just as you faced the camera for that picture, you face the world every day, which is what Addison wants, sweetie. She wants to watch you live your life and tell everyone about her, just like you do on this blog. She wants you to let everyone know what she taught you, and she wants to protect you always until you can be together again one day in Heaven. You're amazing, Emily. One day at a time.
