Thursday, June 26, 2014

Father's Day from Daddy

Father's day was yesterday. It was a good day for me. I was able to see family and friends and listen to good talks about fathers. There was one part of two talks that I feel I related to very well and those who have been through a similar situation can agree. They both talked about our heavenly father having to sit by and watch his only begotten son being torchered. And hung up on the cross. At a moments glance our father in heaven could have saved his son, but even him knowing the importance of that event and Christ fulfilling the atonement had to sit back and be subject to the atonement and it's importance to the rest of us on earth. (these are my personal thoughts and I am not sure if it is doctrine, but me trying to fully understand how it would have been).
For 3 days I sat at my daughter's bed side and watched many machines and medicines work to keep her alive. The only thing I could do was pray. I gave Addison a blessing her first day in the NICU. In that blessing I had a peace come over me that all would be fine. Me, wanting to say the words that Christ so many times had said, "rise and be whole." The spirit did not guide me in that direction. And I knew at that moment that we were subject to a higher will. And knowing that my daughter's life was in the hands of our heavenly father was reassuring for me that all would be fine. Now thinking of how I can be a good father to Addison is for me to do my best to keep the commandments so that I can be with her for all eternity. To live a righteous life. One that my father in heaven and my daughter Addison would be proud of. 

But having been through this helps me know more of what our heavenly father had to go through in subjecting himself to the will of the atonement. I can imagine him on his knees in tears for having had his son go through all that. But what joy did he have when he saw him again at his presence. And at that day when I get to see my Addy again, oh great will be the joy that this father will have to hold his daughter once again. 

I love you Addison and I love your mom so much. I know that you are about a great work. And I am proud to be your dad. Your mom and I love you so much.


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