Saturday, June 14, 2014

Remember Her

I went to the church mingle the other night. Every Wednesday hot dogs are provided and the rest is a pot luck. I used to love going to these things. I actually once even played in the rain with the kids. Well, I really contemplated going for about 2 days. I wondered how many babies would be there. How many people in general? How many people who have said inappropriate things? How many of my go-to people.

I guess I didn't contemplate enough. 5 out of the 6 babies were there. The crowd was small. They were hard to avoid. I stood in line with my back to the crowd so I didn't have to make eye contact with them, the babies. 

What was I supposed to do once I got my plate? Where was I supposed to sit? The babies had started to be passed around. I guess most of them are old enough for that now. Addison would have been old enough. She would have turned three months on Wednesday. So now, not only did I have the literal babies that were getting carried and passed around, but I also had to avoid their families. By families, I don't mean the people exactly. I mean the location of their car seats and strollers and blankets and pacifiers. So really, where was I supposed to go? I walked down the hill to sit on the bench. Nathan went with me. We just sat there. The two of us and River. It was embarrassing. I wanted to go. No one talked me into it. I honestly thought it would go well. And it didn't.

My baby died. She should be in my arms. More than that, she should be in yours. She should be adored and passed around and I should have to worry about who has her. She should need a stroller and car seat. She should be cooed over and tickled. One of the things I hate is not knowing what she would have been like at 3 months now. I have no other children to know or compare to. Could she role over? Could she hold her head up? Could she sleep through the night? How much should she weigh? What size clothes would she really be in? There is one way I can know. One way I can get an idea of how she compares to mile markers. And it hurts too much. I don't want to look up on the internet what a 3 month old baby can do. I don't want to look at all the church babies and see what she can't do.

How can anyone help? What can you do? I feel like I've said it, but maybe not directly enough. REMEMBER HER. Well what does that mean? Reading this blog is HUGE to me. It really is the biggest thing anyone can do. Secondly, somehow tell me that you are still reading. I don't expect anyone to read every day. Not everyone's life can revolve around mine. But it really does bring so much joy to me when someone asks me a little more about something I wrote recently. Or I get to read a comment that said you hear what I'm saying and feel this loss as well. I trust you people who read my blog. That is a big deal. Especially if you have one of those 6 babies. I feel like I can hang out with you and you will be able to be careful about my triggers and know where my heart is. And please, never stop asking about Addison. Ask if I have felt her recently. Ask if I am working on any more memorial projects. Ask. And know that sometimes I might cry, not because you have hurt me, but because I have gotten to share my memories with you. They are the biggest burden of blessings I will ever carry and I am nearly begging just to have someone to share them with.

One of the things I realized early on that I would be very sad about is her name. Addison's name was hand picked, even before she was born. I just loved it. I wrote it a million times. My calendar, my school notebooks, any scrap paper always had me practicing writing her name. I hate that I hardly get to use it now. Maybe I still use it as much as I would if she was alive but over time, I think that will change. Not as many people will remember. Not as many people will know. That beautiful name for my precious baby. I know it wasn't wasted. She deserved a beautiful name. But I just hate that I don't get to say it, or won't get to, as much as I wanted. And you won't say it as much either. Not in the long run.

Today is her 3 month angel day. I don't know why it is that I remember these days more than her birthday. I worked all day in the yard. It was a good distraction. On our way home from dinner, we stopped for fathers day cards. Sorry dad, I just couldn't get in the right mindset to get you one. I was focusing on getting a card for Nathan. I don't suggest you ever try it, but it really is quite a challenge to get a card from a child that has passed. I'm sure it is also very difficult to get a card for a father who has passed. And a father who has not been a father. Where is that section at the hallmark store? Where is the unfair father's day section? I think these holidays might be even harder than Christmas.  I don't really have a plan of how to get through tomorrow. Not like I did on mother's day. I guess I will just rely on people's prayers to get me through.

Very soon the dates are going to start recurring. The day Addison was conceived (July 6th), the day we found out we were pregnant (I think the 18th), the day we took announcement pictures (our anniversary the 28th)  the days we announced to our families (about August 18th), the day we announced to the world... and so on. I don't think its the numbers that will bother me the most. It will be the feelings. The things I was doing a year ago on those days...

Anyway, thank you guys for reading. I know I don't write as much. That doesn't mean I don't have as much to write about. But sometimes I need to process it myself before I tell it to you. There are a lot of things going on right now. Things I want to share but am nervous to. Sometimes even the happing things are incredibly overwhelming. I don't want the slingshot effect.

With Love,

Addison's Mommy


  1. You are loved and Addison will not be forgotten!

  2. Love this post, and rest assured, I will always remember Addison.

  3. Emily, you are so brave to share your feelings and to go to church gatherings. I have hard time going and since I am weak I do not go at all. Thank you for being such a great example to me. Thank you truly!

  4. I have read every post that you have written, and I try to keep up with them as they are posted. I also planted the seeds you sent me. I can't wait to see them sprout!


  5. I'm sorry that's how the ward mingle went for you...we think of you often and will be thinking of your family especially on Father's Day.

  6. Emily, I apologize for not making comments on your posts earlier. I've read every single one of them and my heart just aches for you. I've been worried that my talking to you would sting though, so I've kept myself distant. I hope you know that your sweet little family is still in my prayers. Addison will definitely never be forgotten. I absolutely love the memorial projects you have already done. Are you working on one now? Where did you get the ideas? Addison is incredibly lucky to have you as her mother. I just know that her spirit is still down here with you and Nathan. :)

  7. Hi Emily,
    You don't know me, but I grew up in Lawrenceville with the Rusch's and I have been praying for your family. I can totally see and understand all of your feelings, I'm glad you write them down, so I know how to act with my friends who have also lost children. Addison is so precious and she misses you too! I remember her and never even knew her-she is so lucky to already be with our Savior. I hope and pray that the Lord can give ya'll another chance/many chances to be parents again, those spirits in heaven are just begging to come to your family, I bet :) Love you both!!! Elise Freeman

  8. I also am still here reading every post. You are on my mind a lot, and often out of the blue I will think of you and just get choked up. After reading this post yesterday, I cried through a lot of the fathers day talks at church today thinking of you and Nathan sitting in your meeting listening to similar things. I try to imagine your pain, and I know I can't, but reading your words just always gets to me. I will be honest and admit that sometimes I don't comment because I feel like I have nothing original to say, or I'm worried I will say/type the wrong thing and touch a nerve, and I don't want to add to your pain. I think the thing that always comes to mind to comment is just "I am so sorry" because I truly am sorry you don't have your beautiful little Addison with you to hold and love. I so wish that you could have brought your baby home from the hospital with you. But I don't want to sound like a broken record commenting "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." It's hard. You are so real and I appreciate that. If I were in your ward I'm afraid I would be walking on eggshells not sure what to say because I so would not want to hurt you by saying something well-intended but dumb!!! Would you tire of people like me just always walking up to you giving you hugs saying I'm sorry? Or how are you?" How are you doing" sometimes feels like a stupid question to ask someone who's child just died. There is a family in my ward who lost two of three children in a drunk driving accident and I never know how 'normal' to act. Do they want everyone to act normal, or not? It feels wrong to act normal or make normal conversation and small talk. But I wonder if they tire of everyone dwelling on it. Seems there's not safe ground. I know people like me don't want to be rude and ignore and also don't mean to be thoughtless with words, really I care so much but feel timid about what to say to comfort those who have lost. I do feel much love for you as a fellow mother and pray for you often Emily!!

  9. I remember Emily, I think of you and your angel baby at least once a day. Please know that you are loved and thought about. I cant imagine every emotion, physical anguish and daily trial you face. Just know, a mother's love knows no bounds or confines; Addison will always know of your love. Addison River Rusch is remembered.

  10. I still enjoy reading your posts. I do remember Addison and think of you and Nathan and her daily. Your strength amazes me and I appreciate you sharing your can't be easy.

  11. Emily, I read your posts as often as I can. Getting behind, sometimes I read 2-3 posts at the same time, which often brings me to tears. You are my good friend, and I want to share some thoughts with you so I hope I do not say anything here that upsets you. Addison will always have a special place in my heart. As you know now, I have been redoing my craft area. Still I can not bring myself to finish Addisons birth canvas. Some of the shower items, all of the purple and pink decorations still sit in a basket. I dont want to put them away because they were for such a special little baby girl that I wanted to know in my life. To go on walks with and to the park. I looked forward to babysitting for you and Nathan, Addison and I would have been quick friends and had lots of fun together. I want to thank you for coming down to my house for the bbq the other day with Nathan. It was the first time you have been in my home for a long time. I know it may have been hard and I appreciate your efforts so much. I look forward to you visiting me more as you get more comfortable at my house again. We spent so much time together doing lunch, dinner and projects. I miss your sweet spirit. I also have felt Addisons spirit anytime I have been around you. I know she is giving you "Hugs from Heaven"! I pray for your family everyday. I will never forget Emily, Nathan and Addison Rusch. Catherine
