Thursday, May 22, 2014

Addison's Home

It's been a weird week. My schedule is about to change with the summer coming. I don't think I'm ready for "summer". Not because of my schedule or the heat but because I still want it to be spring. Addison was born in spring. I don't want to watch the seasons change without her. Right now it is beautiful outside. The pollen is gone and there is always a gentle breeze. You might feel cool in the shade but the sun feels so wonderful and warm if you just let it kiss your face.

I love living in Georgia. I love the variety and unpredictability. I love the mountains, the lakes, the ocean and the history. I love how every significant road changes names at least twice.

There was so much for Addison to learn in Georgia. I don't think I can ever leave, except to go on vacation. But really, Georgia is my home and it is especially Addison's Home.

Some of you might wonder if it's Addison's Home because of a burial ground. No, we didn't bury Addison. We had her cremated. I didn't want to see her tiny casket go into the ground all by itself. And what if we moved? What if they built a giant ugly building right next to her? Addison deserves better than that.

So she is home with us, Mommy and Daddy. I specially ordered a tiny white urn for her. It's about 4"x4". I'll post a picture once it is finished being hand painted with purple daisies. It will go in her special case that Daddy is going to build one day (hopefully this summer). I designed it already. I think I might have one for each of the children. A showcase for their baby things. Their lives are so significant. I want them to know how cherished their birth is.

Right now, Addison's things are in her treasure chest. I was given Addison's treasure chest a week or two after her life. It's a beautiful, light purple chest about 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall. It has all her special things in it. Her blanket from Mommy, her blessing blanket, her hand and feet molds, her beads, the outfit we dressed her in, the blanket from her hospital bed, a tiny "I am a Child of God" music grinder that I got, and all the beautiful cards and things people wrote to us. There are more things in there too. More treasures. Some treasures are still in her room, just where I had placed them when I made her nursery. They are too special to move. They are where they belong.

I have to get her room finished soon. It is starting to feel incomplete inside me. After the weekend I will try to start, if I'm still ready or wanting to.

This weekend is going to be good. I won't be making any posts for a little while. I'll be sure to write a lot afterwards though.

With Love,

Addison's Mommy


  1. I had wondered where Addison was buried. I look forward to seeing the case that her dad will build. I hope you do have a nice weekend. No pressure. ;)

  2. I would love to see what her treasure chest looks like if you feel like sharing it.
