Wednesday, May 14, 2014


May 14

Today is transfers. A day I have dreaded for a long time. Many of you don't know what this means...

For 3 months we have had two young men living on the other half of our duplex. These young men are missionaries for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Their purpose is to teach the word of God and serve. They leave their home for 2 years to devote their lives as missionaries. They live on a budget, ride bikes for transportation, keep a very rigid schedule, and are only allowed to write to their families aside from Mother's Day and Christmas where they can skype for 40 minutes.

Elder Eames and Elder Price were the first ones to live next to us. Normally one or both gets transferred every 6 weeks but they both stayed since they opened a new area. They knew me in my last month of pregnancy with Addison. They would help bring in my groceries or take out the garbage. They would stop by every evening to check on us and see what we needed. Then, one day, we were gone. We had gone to have the baby we were all so excited about. They thought it would just be a couple days. The poor things saw us every day. We were happy and healthy. Then all of a sudden they found out it went wrong. Addison was sick. Then Addison died. They cried for us. They cried with us. They wanted to help so bad.

When Nathan had to go back to work, they would sit with me on the porch so i didn't have to be alone. Some days I was angry. Some days I could hardly talk. Some days they couldn't fit a word. They were so reliable. So patient. They still are.

So today, Elder Eames got transferred to a new area. He is a great missionary. He and Elder Price have had front row seats to one of the worst tragedies anyone can experience in this life. I will see them again but that doesn't mean it's not hard to say good bye. In a lot of ways, they have been a landmark for me. They are connected to my daughter's memories. I will forever remember them and the great kindness they have shown me. Ta-ta for now Elder Eames.

Btw, Addison has been an angel for 2 months today. The weather also predicts a storm all night long... Here we go again...

With cautious anticipation,

Addison's Mommy


Chris Rusch: I don't know if I told you this, but I lived with members for about half of my mission. I so preferred it to the other way of doing things. I know we helped the people we lived with, but I don't know if the members I lived with know how much they did for me. I am so glad you and Nathan live right next door to the missionaries and they probably appreciate it too.

Ginger Faulk: I'm really glad they were there for you. I'll miss Elder Eames...he was a cutie and a sweetheart too!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and the whole transfer situation. I hope you quickly become comfortable with future missionary neighbors!
