Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Over and over

made a post this morning and it never got officially posted which makes me mad. I can remember some of what I was writing but I won't be able to say it as well or I might feel differently right now as opposed to this morning. I have heard from several people that their comments aren't going through either. Please let me know if you are having this problem and double check that your comment really did get posted. 

I got my legs waxed this morning. It hurt. What's the worst is that after they pull off the first strip, you know there is going to be another. It's going to be just as painful as the last one. There is no way to sugar coat it.  Maybe try distracting yourself. Maybe be as calm as you can. Maybe scream and let it all out. 

Yup, that's right. I found a way to compare getting my legs waxed with how it feels to lose Addison. 

It never stops hurting. It never hurts any less. And I know it isn't over. I will continue to hurt for years and years. 

I don't know what else to say about that... So here's an update on Addison's Flowers...

With love,

Addison's Mommy