Saturday, May 17, 2014

What is a Window?

What is a window? Essentially, it's a piece of glass. By itself, it can be found in a hardware store. Most people use them in a house, in a car, at work, or at a store. They help to see things on the other side of a wall. Things you couldn't see before a window was there.

They can be shattered, easily broken with a little bit of force. When shattered, they are usually left with sharp jagged edges that are capable of causing a lot of pain. 

Some windows are made for only looking out. Some for only looking in. Some come with shutters for shutting. Some come with blinds for closing. Some come with pretty little flower boxes. Some come with screens. Some come with locks and bolts. 

At my house, I love to open my windows. I love to hear the birds. But I don't love the bugs, so I have a screen. I don't like burglers so I have a lock. I don't have a window box but I wish I did to make the house look prettier. I do have blinds so I can choose when I want to look out and who i want to look in. 

If you haven't gotten the point yet, my life is like a window. I want to look out but I don't always want everyone looking in. I want to hear about life's joys but I don't want nastiness coming in. I want a pretty box to hide behind sometimes but there isn't one. So instead, a lot of the time, I leave my window wide open. I feel so much more of everything this way. Joy, pain, exposure... I don't want to shut my window. It's how I feel her. It's how I let her in. 

I want to always let her in. 

With love,

Addison's Mommy

P.s. Here's a video of River enjoying an open window for the first time. 


  1. River is absolutely adorable! I hope I get to meet her sometime.

  2. I love seeing the beautiful green. We took a drive today, pout to see the new Phoenix Tempe. The Tempe was beautiful, but the back roads we took were brown, and dusty and dry. I think you live in Eden. We no longer do.
