Saturday, May 10, 2014

From Addison to Me

May 10
This keeps playing over in my mind as if Addison is speaking it right to my thoughts...

I'm so sorry mommy. I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you for Mother's Day. I'm so sorry you can't hold me in your arms. I'm sorry I can't be the physical proof of your motherhood that many do not know. I'm so sorry you have to watch other mothers with their babies. I'm so sorry I will never get to pamper you on Mother's Day. We won't get to be what you wanted. I wish we could. I'm so sorry mommy. I love you. I know you miss me. I miss you too. You will always be mommy to me.

From Addison to me, Addison's Mommy


Sarah Latchaw: Such a sweet girl. Truly an angel giving comfort to her momma on Mother's Day.
Amy Dupras Granger: My sweet Emily, eye hath not seen nor ear heard what God has in store for you and Nathan and Addison! One day, God himself will pour out these blessings which are stored up for you in Heaven! I wish I could watch on that day but you will just have to tell me all about it because I know you and her daddy will have a lot of catching up to do just by yourselves with Addison! Praise God for Jesus through whom we have eternal life. I honor you, Emily, on this Mother's Day! May God's richest blessings pour over your heart and life today! Huge hugs to you.

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