Monday, March 10, 2014

We're Having a Baby!

March 10, 2014
We're having a BABY!!! We are scheduled to be induced at 6pm tonight. The baby is totally healthy with normal heart rate, size, movement, and whatever else. I am not dilated at all right now, but my blood work shows that I have cholestasis (related to the itching I mentioned). Because we are close enough to my due date, there is no need to delay Baby Addison's arrival! She should arrive sometime tomorrow or Wednesday. We will post any updates on FB! Thanks in advance for prayers and well wishes!! — with Nathan Rusch.
Krista Mullins: Say WHAT!!!! WOW!!! What do you need help with to get ready???
Emily Beth Rusch: I'm just tidying up my house right now.. We pretty much have everything we need and already quick packed a bag this morning. We are just so excited its hard to even think straight...
Krista Mullins: I can imagine!! Oh my gosh, that's so exciting and sudden! Glad they're taking care of you guys though-- that's scary! Wow wow wow, baby time!! Keep us posted if you think of anything you DO need!
Serenity Anderson: Yahooooo!!!
Catherine Granger Davis: good luck!!!
Victoria Harris: Congrats. I'm praying for you Emily. I hope you have an easy labor and delivery.
Jessica Snider: I'm so excited for y'all...good luck. I'll be praying for a quick easy delivery and a speedy recovery for you.
Valerie Jones Merrell: Very exciting!! Hooray and good luck with it all!
Greg Hemphill: Congratulations
Brittany Goodyear: Wow! Congrats! Good luck with everything!
Emily Beth Rusch: I guess we won't be doing that maternity photo shoot this weekend after all Brittany Goodyear
Brittany Goodyear: I guess not. Sorry about that. But on the upside you're having a baby tonight/tomorrow! We'll figure out the newborn pics once you're feeling up to it.
Red Conley: Congratulations Emily
Catherine Doerr: Baby A is on her way
Cheri Granger Felipe: Wow your dad told me. She is finally gonna be here!!! Great news!!! Congrats to and Nathan. Pictures please!!
Ginger Faulk: Congrats...praying all goes well.
Kami Walker: God bless! So happy and excited for you!
Deborah Paulukaitis: Good Luck and God Bless Emily...

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