Sunday, March 16, 2014

First Day at Church

March 16 at 11:09pm
Today has been a wonderful day and I am completely exhausted. It was not without its moments of grief but I did feel incredibly uplifted. Church went perfectly with the announcement of Addison's birth, death, and funeral. I cannot begin to express my thanks to those who showed such strength in being able to give talks, especially Brother Hoskisson( Tina Hunsaker Hoskisson, it won't let me tag him for some reason). We spent the evening with our families of which I had not seen since Wednesday in the hospital. I am so thankful to them and you all for allowing me to grieve in the way I need without judgment or pressure. I am looking forward to the funeral tomorrow. To seeing my little girl again and getting to see all those she has touched. Again, all are welcome to attend regardless if you have met us or not. The viewing will be from 12-1:30 with a funeral service at 2 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1150 Cole Dr, Lilburn, Ga 30047. I look forward to continuing to tell you all about Addison as you ask me questions about her and what happened. I will never get tired of talking about her. Good night all. Pray that I sleep all the way through the night.
Addison's Mommy.
Catherine Granger Davis: You are very BRAVE! I am sad that I can not be there, but know that I am praying for you! Love you!!
Becca Dunkin: Words can't express how sorry I am Emily. You are So strong. Il see you at the service tomorrow
Lynn Butler: Harder Emily, I will continue to pray for you and Nathan as you grieve the loss of beautiful Addison.
Krista Mullins: I love the warmth in this post. I am happy this was a good day for you and I hope you can say the same tomorrow. I am so looking forward to meeting this precious baby of yours!
Lisa Cornish Kotter: I am so glad you were uplifted today. Your family carries such a strong and sweet spirit. We are blessed to know you. Good night.
Martha Mooney Granger: Your Dad and I were so glad to be able to see you, hug you, and spend time with you, you have been our thoughts constantly. The way you and Nathan treasured each moment with her and cherished her was so very beautiful. We have loved Addison for nine months, and will always love and remember her. Our hearts are with you. You are strong and Nathan is like a rock, together you will get through this one day at a time.
Emily Rusch: You're amazing Emily.
Debra V. Wade: And you will always and forever be "Addison's Mommy"

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