Sunday, March 30, 2014

Puppy Pictures on a Somber Day

March 30
I feel very somber this morning. Like I could have laid in bed all day. I'm up though. It kinda feels like I ran a marathon and my body doesn't want to expel any more energy. I think it's depression. I don't think and I hope it doesn't last long. If the sun would come out today that would help.
In other news, we got pictures of the puppy. Her name will be River even though the pic says Mary. We will pick her up on April 12th from Kentucky.

Brigetta Blair Love: What part of Kentucky? We live in louisville and would love to see you
Emily Beth Rusch I like the sound of that Brigetta Blair Love. I'll find out and let u know.
Sarah Latchaw: I Love Kentucky. My husband is from Louisville:) also.
Jessica Snider: She is so precious!!! I'm so happy y'all found one. I know you have great support already and people you lean on...but if you ever need to talk call me
Valerie Jones Merrell: River is so little! And I love her beauty spot! I'm hoping any depression lifts soon.
Tamra West: What a cutie! Now I want another dog
Gotta wait until we have a house though. Oh well.
Trudy Moncrief Troxell: River is beautiful and will bring much joy to you. Know the Lord is there to lift your depression when you ready to let it go. This is very healthy parts of grieving and don't be hard on yourself. Stay close to Heavenly Father and you will be bouncing around as that is very natural for you. So when you get to put your paws on River feel the love she will give to you freely.
Michelle Granger Moose: She's so cute!!!
Lisa Cornish Kotter: Did your mother have postpartum depression? I'm not saying that's what this is, but it could be compounding your grief. I've heard that taking care of your own needs (sleep, nutrition, fluids) and exercising and getting sunshine can help with depression. Obviously that is a very simplistic way to look at it, but it's something. (Sorry - I wish I had something to say that would take away all your pain.) I'm sorry you're going through this, and I hope you feel better and better each day. In other news, your puppy is absolutely adorable. I can't believe how small she is!
Serenity Anderson: Super cute
Tamra West: I just read your most recent post, and then found this in my news feed. Addison is going to be the person that does this for you.
“One day someone is going to hug you so tight that all of your broken pieces will stick back together”

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