Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stupid Cholestasis

March 25
How many times have you been poked? I know I probably don't hold the record but it sure feels like a lot. And it's not over. My cholestasis still isn't gone. I'm not itchy anymore but one of my test results for blood work I did yesterday is actually higher than it was when I went into the hospital. I don't mean to alarm anyone. Cholestasis is not usually dangerous to the mother. It will not necessarily repeat itself in pregnancy. And it did not directly cause Addison's heart rate to drop. If anything, it got me into the hospital for when her heart rate did drop so that she wasn't a stillborn baby. That doesn't mean that I'm thankful for it yet either though. In any future pregnancies, if I develop cholestasis, I will have an immediate c-section. The more c-sections I have, the less children I should have. We want several children. Do you see my dilemma? As a pre-emptive measure, I will likely have many more dr. visits and likely do blood work every time. I want that. I need that for my own sanity. I had an appointment yesterday and my midwife related to me that they fully expect me to be worried with any future pregnancies and they will be ready for that.
I love my midwives. There are 3 from kaiser that I was very close with before Addison was born and they have gone above and beyond in this situation. These three women will determine my health coverage for a long time. They understand my concerns and my fears (which are completely normal).
Anyway, I need to get in the shower so I can do my fasting blood work in a little while. Yay for another poke...
Addison's mommy
Tabitha Owens Welch: If you haven't already, you might be interested in checking out the message boards on the ICAN website. http://www.icanofatlanta.com/ There is lots of support and information there for women who have had c-sections in many different kinds of circumstances, and several of the women on the message boards also have angel babies. I understand how you feel about wanting a large family. My first came via c-section and I was worried about that too. I was able to have a VBAC the second time around though, so, if it's safe for you and baby, that option is definitely out there  *Hugs*
Kerrie Rudd Odell: Emily- I sent Nathan this link. THis is my friend Alie, and she her baby Amelia would be 18 months old now. She would love to share her story, struggles, and strength with you. http://delightedtobe.com/baby-amelias-story-anencephaly/
Hannah Granger: When I first read this I thought you meant Facebook pokes lol
Emily Rusch: I've been anxious to hear hour your follow up appt went. It's so great that you trust your midwives. That makes such a huge difference. You'll be well looked after with your future pregnancies.

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