Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Every Minute a Week Ago

March 18 at 9:52am
Just woke up and saw she was born a minute and a week ago
Emily Beth Rusch: Right now they were cutting the cord 9:54 am

Emily Beth Rusch: And now they were resuscitating her 9:54 am

Emily Beth Rusch: They were cleaning me out. Getting the placenta and checking for other damage 9:55 am

Emily Beth Rusch: She still wasn't coming back. They were suctioning her mouth and nose. 9:56 am

Emily Beth Rusch: They were putting monitors on her and used a breathing bag 9:56 am

Emily Beth Rusch: She's back 9:56 am

Emily Beth Rusch: Off to the nicu to assess her needs. Mommy stayed in surgery to finish and close up. 9:57 am
Lacey Fox: I loved in your letter how you thanked her for comin back to you. What a precious and beautiful gift. Thank you for sharing her with us yesterday. Your strength and love for your precious angel is such a blessing to many. Thank you for being so open and raw. You're courage is beautiful.
Krista Mullins: I agree, that part was so powerful. I thank her too! What a tender mercy.
Rose John: I'm so sorry you have to go through this; I can't even imagine how difficult this must be. Remember always that Addison is with you in a very real sense. Although you are unable to hold her now, she is there comforting you and she knows the pain her parents are going through as well as the joy you have had with her. She is seeing firsthand the immense strength and love of the parents who will raise her in the afterlife.

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