Monday, March 24, 2014

Something to Love

March 24
Who flipped the pm switch? Yes, I thought about posting this morning but wasn't sure how quickly I would be posting on the blog. It looks like it is going to take me a few days to set up because of all the content I want to transfer.

Daddy is sick today. Miserably sick. I guess he deserves to be taken care of too. It helps that I'm barely sick at all now so I can take care of him. It's nice to have someone to take care of. Someone to love...

Don't get me wrong, I love Addison with all my heart, but she isn't here. I saved up at least nine months (probably more) of love to give to her and I only had 3 days to release just a glimmer of it. I still have so much love to give her. My heart is so full it hurts. That's one of the hardest things right now. I am a mother. I feel like a mother. But I have no one and nothing to mother.
 I considered getting a pet. I'm sure our land lord would let us after all this. But really I don't have the time to care for a pet. I want one. But really I can't conform my life to care for one. I could've, and I did conform my life to care for Addison. She would have never had to go to day care. I could have had a pet then. But not now.  
A pet would help me though. I could snuggle it, play with it, buy things for it, and mother it. It would never reject me either. It would be perfect. But I am too responsible of a person to keep my pet in a crate all day. That pet doesn't deserve that. But that doesn't mean I don't want one. I do.
One day, when we do get a pet (a dog) I will name it River.

Addison's mommy

Brendi Hazelton: Very sweet! You remind me of myself. I treat my dog Jonah like a baby. I wouldn't dare put my Dog in a crate. I only work 4 hours a day, anyway. It's taken us a little longer to get pregnant than expected (I know 5 months isn't long, but I guess I thought we would get pregnant sooner), but Jonah fills that gap, and makes the waiting a lot easier. Get a little puppy. They love to love, and be loved back.  Jonah is so spoiled.

Brandie Hill: Fish, or birds make great pets, and you don't have to been there 24/7. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. Food, a visit, a hug, cookies, brownies. You name it its yours.!!

Gina Gardner Brown: Hi Emily. I live in LV ward. I actually know of a woman who is looking to re-home a dog. We have pet sit her before. Her name is currently Indy. She is full of energy, still puppy-ish, but does not bark much...if at all. If you are interested, let me know.

Jelaire Womble: Poor Nathan Rusch Im glad he has a great wife to take care of him.

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