Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mommy Spikes a Fever

March 13 at 3:45am
This post is less about Addison and more about me. Around midnight I developed a fever of 101.something. My fever has now broken and I'm down to 99.something. I am hopeful that it won't happen again but they are running some tests on my urine. I really don't think I'm sick, just my body doesn't know what to do with the stress. I'll make another post in the morning as to my health status.
Jennifer Rooker Vojtas: I've been up since one praying for you & Addison & in Him. He continually is praying for your little family! God is able...
Serenity Anderson: Thinking about you both. Praying for you both.
Nadya John: I wish I could give you a hug! Hopefully this fever doesn't come back. I'll be praying for that too.
Deborah Paulukaitis: Emily, you are in our constant prayers. (Your whole family is.) So many people are praying for you....
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Praying for all of you, sweet friend. I hope you're able to get some good rest. We love you guys!
Ginger Faulk: Emily, you're going through so much both physically and emotionally that it's no wonder your body is reacting. I hope it helps to know your friends and family are constantly praying for you, Nathan and Addison. Love you all.
Jennifer Culp: Ginger is right-constant praying!!!
Martha Mooney Granger: been saying prayers...sending y'all love from your dad and me
Stephanie Waters: Emily you, Addison and Nathan are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Remember in our weakness He is strong. Love and prayers are with you. Please keep us posted.

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