Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No Cool Cap Picture!

March 12 at 2:16pm
About to post a picture of Addison with out her cold cap! They decided to do an EEG today which measures her brain activity but we won't know the results for a day or two.
Emily Beth Rusch: It is now the group cover photo

Krista Mullins: OH I'm so jealous of all her hair!!! I tell Evan every day I want our girl to have a head full of dark hair! (Good luck, right?) Ohhh she's beautiful! Keep fighting little one!
Nadya Greene: She's got your beauty Emily! What a precious, strong little girl.
Amber Croxall: She is so sweet looking. I love the hair.
Kristi Yancey: Such a precious little one!
Ginger Faulk: Precious baby girl!
Nicole LaDeau Ward: Beautiful!!
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Oh my heavens! So much hair! She's just beautiful...
Jefrilyn Ellison: Love it!
Beth Anderson Ray: She is so beautiful!
Marsha Mourdock: Our love and prayers coming your way.
Valerie Jones Merrell: Darling girl!
Jackie Clark Ober: <3 J<3J<3J
Rachael Bonitz Sanders: She is absolutely beautiful! We are still praying for you sweet baby girl!
Katie Cannon Mullins: I don't personally know you, but my husband knows Nathan. We are both so deeply sorry and our hearts ache for you. I wanted to comment on this photo because Addison is so beautiful! You said in one of your posts she is all girl, so true. We are praying for you all and sending our love your way. Our thoughts will be with you as you celebrate her tomorrow
Kacey Verrault: Beautiful beautiful angel. Please know, despite the distance, my heart and prayers will be with y'all tomorrow as you celebrate the wonderful blessing that is Addison and her all too short but so powerful life. She's a lucky girl to have such wonderful family and prayer warriors

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