Saturday, March 15, 2014

No Longer with Us

March 14 at 11:28pm
On March 11, 2014 Addison River Rusch was born and had been in the NICU for many complications at birth. On Wednesday evening we got the news from the first EEG that there was no brain activity. At that moment we wanted to spend every possible minute with our lovely Addison. We were able to tell her how we met and as much about ourselves that we could on Wednesday and Thursday. This morning at 11 they took the cool cap (which was meant to help preserve any brain function) off and started the rewarming process. Around 3 her stats were getting worse and they did the EEG and got it to the doctor to interpret it as quickly as he could. The results were again that she had no brain activity and with Addison being maxed out on meds and her life support, it was clear that heavenly father needed her back in heaven. We were able to bathe her and dress her and Nathan was able to bless her and give her a name of Addison River Rusch. Around 6:10 we removed her life support and were able to hold her for the first time. At 6:25 it was confirmed that she was no longer with us.
Addison River Rusch 3/11/2014 to 3/14/2014
We know that she is in a Better place and is no longer in pain. We love you Addison and we will always remember you and you will never be forgotten. — with Nathan Rusch.
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Krista Mullins: Oh Emily!!!!! Oh my heart. Emily, I'm so. so. so so so so sorry.... ohhhhhhhh I can't believe this. So many prayers, we love you guys!!! We're here for anything you might need! Oh I am in so much pain for you. Hang in there, be strong. Sending our love and prayers for peace and comfort
Jessica Snider: I'm so sorry!!!! I can't imagine how you must feel because I'm crying and hurting for y'all! I'll keep praying for y'all and if there's anything you need just name it. We love y'all.
Sarah Marsh Hamilton: Oh Emily. My heart is breaking for you. Lots of love and prayers.
Deborah Paulukaitis: My heart aches for you. Prayers will continue for your peace and extra measures of love and strength....{{{Hugs}}}
Stephanie Graham: Our prayers go out to you and your family.
Victoria Romero Clearfield: We are just crushed! Stephanie Waters just sent me a text letting me know. We are so sorry to hear this. I'm crying as I type this. We have you and will continue to pray for you and Nathan. Please let me know if we can do anything for you. Addison knows how much you both LOVE her! Sending you a big hug!
Nadya John: My deepest, sincerest, most heartfelt condolences to you and Nathan and your families. You still continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. If there's anything Joe or I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask!
Brendi Hazelton: Family is eternal. God bless your family. We are continuing to pray for you.
Maggie Kennedy Wilson: Still praying. Always.
Jessica Brandon: Nathan and Emily... My heart pours out to you during this very difficult time. You guys are in our heart and prayers. Stay strong... And families are forever. Thank the heavens for such blessings.
Taurus Womble: Many prayers to you guys, I'm grateful I got the opportunity to meet her. She had the best parents anyone could ask for!!!
Kevin Yancey: I'm so sorry Emily. We will be praying for you and Nathan.
Rebecca Lyn Hyde: Oh how my heart breaks for you both! I am so sorry you have had to experience such loss. You have been and will continue to be in our family's prayers.
Emily RuschL She will always be the first Rusch girl.
Jelaire Womble: We love you guys our heart breaks for you. We will continue to pray for you.
Rooker Vojtas: There are no words that can take away the sorrow & pain of the loss of Addison. You'll always have bitter sweet memories. It's my prayer that God gently restores & comforts you & Nathan as time only can.
Tamra Goldsberry: Praying for you both and your family!! My heart aches for you. Love ya!
Justin Coleman: So sorry for your loss. Not even capable of understanding what yall are going through. Know that yall are in our prayers.
Megan Wallace Rogers: So very sorry. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Jana Waisath Houghtelling: So sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort and strength for each of you.
Channy Hansen: Fish Sweet little family, my heart hurts so much for your loss. I wish I could carry some of the pain for you. Many prayers for your strength, comfort, and peace. She is your sweet baby girl forever. Her short life has impacted the lives of many. Much love from a stranger  (I'm friends with the other Emily Rusch  ).
Kristina Pearson Cersey: My heart aches for you. I'm in tears, but you are right, she is with the Lord. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family. Cry, take a deep breath, and cry some more. I pray that the Lord will give you the strength you need to cope with this. Love you both!
Stephanie Waters: Sweet Angel Addison,
We watched you grow in your mommy's belly each day, and we watched your dad and mom's love for you develop from whn they first spoke of you even before you were conceived. When you were named, my boys mentioned you often in their day to day, and boy did they love to feel you kick! We watched your mom and dad prepare for you and we all waited for you with lots of love in our hearts. We will always think of you and we are thankful for the love that your life brought into our home each day. We will miss you dearly but know that you will be peaceful in your heavenly home and that Jonathan and Zach will have a little angel up above. We're going to try to get home from Cabo early to be there for your mommy and daddy as they say goodbye and to share the huge loss that we feel right now. We miss you already, we love you and you will always be in our hearts. Love, Stephanie, Jon, Jonathan and Zachary
Debra V. Wade: Ye have lost a child--nay. She is not lost to you, who is found to Christ; she is not sent away, but only sent before; like unto a star, which going out of our sight, doth not die and vanish, but shineth in another hemisphere. We love you and we are here for you.
Brooke Cheesman Hochstein: I'm so so sorry. We love y'all.
Kaolee Hoyle: Love you Emily.
Ginger Faulk: Tears of sadness for you both. Words can't begin to express. How sorry I am for your loss. Heavenly Father needed her more. Love and continued prayers for you both.
Tamra West: I don't know what to say. I can't imagine your pain. Of course you will be in our prayers.
Christian Austin: So sorry for your loss out prayers our with you :))
Jessica Urquhart: Jones I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. It absolutely breaks my heart to see yall go through this. Always Remember that families are forever and you will see her again. Praying and thinking of you both. We are here for you whenever you need anything. Love y'all.
Robert Winsor: Kristal and I send our love and deepest condolences. Let us know if there's anything we can do.
Gracie Smith: Our thoughts and prayers are with your family as well.
Shelly Smith Overton: Words can't express how sorry I am. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Oh Emily. I can find no words to express how deeply sorry I am. I pray that you and Nathan will be filled with all the peace and comfort our Father in Heaven can bestow. I love you, sweet friend.
Jennifer Culp: I'm just heart-sick for you both! Lean on each other and lean on heavenly Father! Little Angel Addison truly touched so many lives in her short time here! She was born to goodly parents that shared their light with us all and I pray that the love everyone pours out to you will help you through this pain!
Alisha Martin: I am sorry for your loss. Prayers are with you and Nathan and your family during this loss.
Kristal Zahniser Winsor: I am so saddened by your loss. Our prayers are with you guys.
Elizabeth Jefferson Espinoza: I'm so sorry to hear this. I hadn't realized it was so serious. But, I will say, what a blessing that Heavenly Father let your little Addison live her life with you guys. Every day is a blessing, and I know if you're anything like Nate that you're just a good person through and through. She couldn't have more loving or attentive parents than the two of you are. And remember, she will always be yours, and you will get to hold her again one day under such joyful circumstances. You are in my prayers.
Richard E Brown: I'm so sorry. I know how you feel and my heart breaks for you!
Melissa Jensen Allen: Oh Emily! I'm so sorry for this loss. Such a sweet baby! You both are such loving parents. She listened and heard you both and loved you too. Prayers are for you and Nathan always. We are here for you if ever need anything! I'm crying with you! Love you guys!!
Brittany Goodyear: Oh Nathan and Emily I am so so very sorry for your loss. If there's anything I can do please let me know.
Lisa Schwartz: Prayers for you, Nathan and family during this time of healing
Chelsea Johnston: Emily, your testimony really strengthens me. I can't imagine what you guys are going through, but please know that we love you and we are praying for you and we also know that family are forever  sweet Addison is now up in heaven looking out for you.
Megan Dollar: I am so sorry for your loss. It must be so hard to deal with this! We will keep praying! I know you can get through it!
Deb Sutton: I am so sorry for both of you! I have 2 children in Heaven and I am well aware of the joy we feel for them but we pain we feel for ourselves. I'm praying that the Heavenly Father hold you close and give you grace for each moment and peace for each day.
Chelsea Johnston: I was having a really hard time sleeping just with all of the emotions that were weighing on me and I found this article... Hopefully it will help give you a little more peace. Even though you know this, I still found it comforting to read I love you, Emily.
Danice Lewis: Emily and Nathan, It was such a privilege to see your sweet little family together!! Although Addison was only here for such a short time, her sweet spirit touched many! I pray that you both are comforted during this time of separation from her!
Tiffany Spagnuolo Burlew: God be with you and your family at this time. May He put you in his loving and healing hands and hold you close, that you may feel his love and healing power. I am so sorry for your loss and pain.
Becky Christensen Angell: Our hearts are broken for you and our prayers are with you! The Angell family
Aubrey Pett: I send my condolences. I am so so sorry for your loss.
Sarah Latchaw: My mom went through this if you ever need someone who does completely understand to talk to. Lots of prayers and support from us.
Rachel Horlacher: This was what happened with our first child, so if you need to talk to anyone in the future, I'm here and I've been through it. I know it sucks.
Katherine Brown Selin: My heart hurts so much for you and your family. We love you and are sending our thoughts and prayers your way. I can not even begin to understand how you all must be feeling.
Meredith Smith Addison was such a beautiful girl! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of her life, she has touched many people in her short time with us! You are all in my prayers.
Brandie Hill: I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Please let me know if you need anything.
Tina Hunsaker Hoskisson My heart is breaking for your little family. We are so sorry to hear about Addison and our prayers for healing and peace will continue. I am so glad you were able to hold her and share some memories together.
Tana Castleberry: I'm so sorry for your loss. That is incredibly heart breaking. You and your family are in my prayers. I pray you find peace at this time
Ashley Tremblay: My heart aches for your dear family. I pray that angels surround you in love and peace. Know that there are many of us who have never met you, yet pray for you and your strength. With love.
Cathy Diane Lynn: So sorry for your loss Emily & Nathan words can not express how I feel for u.
Rebecca Harris Roberts: I am so sorry Emily & Nathan Rusch for your loss. My heart is broken for you & you will be in my thoughts & prayers.
Kimberly Diego: So beautifully said Emily, my heart aches for you and Nathan, but comfort comes in knowing she is with the Lord and not suffering anymore. We are blessed to have another angel in heaven. May God continue to give you peace and healing through this difficult time. Keeping you all close in prayer!!!
Kristi Yancey: I'm so sorry for your loss. You'll be in our prayers. May Heavenly Father hold you close through this heartbreaking time.
Lisa Cheesman Forsyth: For one who doesn't get teary eyed often this does bring me tears for your family! So glad y'all got to have a few wonderful moments with the first Rusch girl! Babies are such a precious gift on loan to us... But she must have been too sweet for this rotten world- we love y'all! She will be watching over y'all from a better place and in good hands
Bethany Anderson: Dearest Emily and Nathan, I am so sad for the loss of your Addison. My hope for your family is that comfort and peace beyond your understanding may surround you right now.
Jessica Jones Marsaw: She will be in our hearts until we meet again. Such a special little spirit, and she's yours forever. Sending our love and support.
Stephanie Gray Albritton: I know you don't know me, and I wish I could say something to ease the hurt, but I know that words will never be enough. Please just know that I am crying with you and my prayers of comfort and strength are sent for you and your family.
Shauna Baang: Well said Stephanie I feel the same way for Emily Rusch and all of her family from immediate to all extended family
Lisa Cornish Kotter: I am so sorry for your loss. We have all come to love sweet Addison. She will be greatly missed. May the Lord bless you as you endure your separation from her and look forward to one day holding her again. I wish I could take away your pain. We continue to pray for you.
Brittni Troxell Walker: I am so sorry for your loss, words can not adequately express my condolences. My heart hurts for you. Sending you my love and prayers.
Jackie Clark Ober: Our hearts are breaking for your sweet family. We're so glad you were able to hold her and spend that precious time close together making memories  you are in our prayer continually.
Cheryl Solomon Collins: Like many others there just aren't words to express how I wish I could help you carry this grief. We have had all three of you in our prayers and will continue to! Love you and would love to help anyway we can!
Shaun Michael Arenas: I am so sorry for y'alls loss.

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