Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hiccup Video

March 16 at 4:41am
Jennifer Culp: sweet baby.
Jackie Clark Ober: Oh. My. Cuteness!! That hair!!!
Barbara Luttrell: John Sweet, precious daughter of God. ...
Jessica Snider: Thank you for sharing. She's beautiful!!!
Lauren AshLee Sturdevant: So beautiful. Love her hair!
Michelle Granger Moose: She looks so peaceful.
Melissa Jensen Allen Thanks for sharing that! Such a fighter and so sweet!!
Emily Rusch I love love this video. I love seeing her little body move.
Deborah Paulukaitis I think it's precious that you have a video of her doing those hiccups that sometimes drove you crazy during pregnancy. Almost like she's saying, 'See Mommy? I'm still me.'

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