Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I had an Emergency C-Section

March 11, 2014
I had to have an emergency c-section at 9:51 after they couldn't find Addison's heart rate. She is in the nicu in critical condition and I am in the high risk unit. Prayers are greatly appreciated.
Krista Mullins: Ohhhh scary. I hope you're okay Emily, that sounds traumatic!!! Prayers certainly being sent for you!!
Krista Mullins: (But also, congratulations on being a mama! Is she just amazing?!! I mean, I know she is, but how was it to finally see her? I hope you'll be together very, very soon...)
Catherine Doerr: As many prayers as you need!!!
Krista Mullins: 3rd comment is just ludicrous, I'm sorry, but how big was she? Hair?
Amber Kunkee Boyd: Wow. I'm glad you were at the hospital! I hope you both feel better soon! Do you want visitors?
Chelsea Yancey: What hospital are you guys at?
Deborah Paulukaitis: Prayers going up immediately. (She's at Gwinnett Medical. I'm assuming the Women's Pavilion.) Emily, yours and Addison's names are on the prayer roll at the Atlanta and Salt Lake Temples...
Jessica Snider: Praying for a quick recovery...as soon as they let you get up and walk around...walk!!' It will help you recover.
Sarah Latchaw: Hang in there.
Ginger Faulk: You are both in my prayers!
Nadya John: You and your sweet daughter and husband are in our prayers. Here's hoping and praying you''ll both be recovering soon!
Chelsea Johnston: I am so sorry!! You and Addison are definitely in my prayers!
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Praying for both of you. Your sweet little one is in excellent hands--the NICU at Gwinnett Medical is among the very best there is, and the staff are amazing. Hopefully they'll wheel you down to see her soon. In the meantime, try not to worry about her. I know that's close to impossible, but she really and truly is being cared for by the very best nurses and doctors. I hope and pray your recovery is quick and smooth, as well. Hugs, sweet friend!
Lisa Cornish Kotter: How scary! I'm so sorry you had to go through the stress of an emergency C-section and not finding the heartbeat. I was so worried when they whipped David out of my arms in the delivery room and didn't update us for hours and hours. Then he had to spend a week on a ventilator while his lungs developed and then another week in the NICU learning to eat. It was hard on us emotionally and physically, but he got great care, as I'm sure Addison is getting. I feel so blessed to live in a time and place where such good medical care is available for mothers and babies. We will keep praying for you and Addison.
Marcy Howard: prayers!
Jelaire Womble: We love you guys Taurus says she is beautiful
Kacey Verrault: All my prayers for you both!
Serenity Anderson: I'm praying my heart out for you both. I can't imagine what you're feeling now.
Dee Martin Kreider: Lots of prayers!!
Jennifer Culp: Love you two! Praying!
Shue Casillas:  prayers, love, and hugs are being sent your way!!!!!!! Get better soon!!
Matthew Moore: Lots of prayers!
Jessica Urquhart Jones: Thinking and praying for y'all in this hard time. Congrats though on your little girl. I can't wait to meet her. Emily hope your recovery is quick. Let me know if you need anything.
Jalaire Hickman: I will pray for you and Addison. May the Lord bring you comfort and good health.
Valerie Jones Merrell: We are thinking of you and praying for you all! Much love to you.
Kaolee Hoyle: Ekk! Hope you are doing well!
Michelle Granger Moose: Praying for you three!
Lisa Schwartz: Keeping you all in our prayers
Gayle Mills: You are in our thoughts and prayers
Emily Rusch: Love you Em. You can do this.
Shauna Baang: Praying for you and Addison. I know that you are in great hands. I was in the high risk unit for a full week because I was in early labor with Vinny at 29 weeks. They took awesome care of us and I know they will do the same for you. Sending hugs and prayers
Jodean Codina LaPointe: Praying for u and your baby.
Krista Cefalo: I'll keep you guys in my prayers! Hope all is well!
Heo Tiave: Awe mama Emily I'm sending my love and prayers your ways!!!
Eric T. Prichard: I know I am very late with this but I am praying for you and Addison. I pray that you both have recovered and all is well


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