Monday, March 24, 2014

Getting a Puppy

March 24
This is happening!!!! I am so excited!! My wonderful boss (of which I nanny for) offered that I can bring a puppy to work! My land lord immediately said yes and is even going to waive the fee she normally would charge for a pet! I am soooo excited!!! (I didn't tag my boss in this post in case she didn't want the world to know who she is but she is welcome to expose herself if she wants). We are looking to get a Brittany Spaniel. I have always loved how beautiful they are and I can provide the exercise she will need. Yes, we want a girl. It seems Brittany Spaniel puppies are in pretty high demand and are sold mostly up north. If anyone has any connections to help us find a puppy, that would be awesome. I called one breeder this evening to see if they had any available and they said a litter would be born in about 2 weeks and then the puppies would be available 6 weeks after that.... We would prefer to get a puppy sooner but it seems this might be the best route... reserving a puppy. Anyway, again if anyone can help us find a girl, Brittany Spaniel puppy that is available for pick up ASAP, that would be amazing!
I am so glad we will have something to put our love into. Heavenly Father loves us and knows our needs.
With love and excitement,
 Addison's Mommy
Debra V. Wade: Dogs seem to know just what their humans need in the healing department. Very excited for you!!
Kacey Verrault: You can check rescues and shelters in your area
Nicki Brodniak: Yay!
Alexandra Sowinski: Brittany's are amazing dogs!! Much like springer spaniels  tons of personality, and are known as Velcro dogs. (They just need to be with you at all times)
Lynn Butler Harder: I think that's great, Emily! I am excited for you!
Amy Dupras Granger: How fun! Your new puppy will be so happy to have you guys!!! Make sure you watch them play and interact before you choose. Maybe see which puppy chooses YOU . How exciting!
Jennifer Wallace Wells: Yay! So excited for you guys!
Ashe Johnson: Wonderful idea. Pets can be such an amazing source of love and comfort through even the toughest times... and they'll be there for you for many years to come.
Ashley Tremblay: Yay! What exciting news! Dogs can have so much love to give back, as well!
Gina Gardner Brown: This dog I previously mentioned is a brittany-spaniel/pointer mix. She is spayed and healthy. Wanna take a look? She's 2-3 yrs. old and POTTY TRAINED. Seriously, you could come see her anytime. I'll hook you up for a visit.
Emily Beth Rusch: Gina Gardner Brown, could you send a picture? I'm really wanting a puppy but I'll try to consider this one cuz I know we could get it sooner.
Gina Gardner Brown: Yes, I just asked the owner for one, but she is probably in bed already, but I will get it to you soon. And, this dog, I'm pretty sure, will be free. That is also a bonus. You could probably take her for a trial run if you want. She is a sweetie.
Jefferson Espinoza: Getting a potty trained dog is soooo worth it!
Melissa Jensen Allen: So cool!!! I can't wait to see her! Look in the ajc for free BS puppies. You just never know. Excited for you!!!
Stephanie Gray Albritton: We used to foster for American Brittany rescue. They are amazing family dogs. Unfortunately, the rescues very rarely get puppies  If you really want a purebred, reserving one might be you're quickest option. Either way, I'm so excited for you to be able to get a puppy!
Emily Rusch: Loooove Brittany spaniels. I'm so excited this is working out for you!!
Ginger Faulk: It's nice to see you excited about getting a puppy. Hope you can get one sooner than 8 weeks but if not, that time will go faster than you think!
Gina Gardner Brown: Can you please message me your email address? I cannot share the pics through FB. Thanks.
Valerie Jones Merrell: Oh, how fun! Can our kids come shower love on your puppy when you get her?

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