Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Blog?

March 20 at 8:53pm
So a question for y'all. I have been thinking about my writing. I think I will be writing for a long time. It really helps me but it helps me most because I feel like I'm getting to share Addison with the world. I think I will turn this blog type thing I have done into a book, not for real publication. Just for my family to read and remember what we went through with Addison. Especially for Addison's siblings. It seems it would be easier for me to be wrong in an actual blog vs. on fb. But I'm afraid that if I change over, I would lose readers but I also might gain readers. I could update both but I want to include people's comments because that often inspires my future posts. I might be able to contact Facebook and they could help me to get all the stuff I want in the book in an organized format. So here is the question part I talked about. What do I do? Would you stop reading if I did a blog? Should I just post links to the blog when I do post? Do you think Facebook could help me make a book? Do you think I would gain readers by doing a blog? It seems there aren't enough hours in a day to do everything and yet everyone is helping me do everything. So don't worry about a big immediate change. Just help me figure out what I should do.
Addison's Mommy
Victoria Romero Clearfield: Sweet Emily Beth Rusch! My heart aches for you and Nathan every time I read each and every one of your FB posts. I think a blog would be fabulous! I would continue to follow you. You are LOVED!! Your strength speaks volumes of your faith and love for GOD! Sending you hugs!!
Brendi Hazelton: I love reading your posts every day! I'm not sure if you read mine or not  but you could do a blog! Can people still reply like they can on Facebook? You mentioned that it helps you when people are commenting on posts and encouraging you. I don't know if it will be that easy with a blog, but I'm not sure. I think Facebook makes it more of a conversation, whereas blogging is more of everyone listening to you.
Brendi Hazelton: Whatever helps you the most, I'm there either way supporting you
Stephanie Gray Albritton: I don't know how to follow a blog (I'm pretty sure that sounds very dumb), but I'd definitely try and figure it out if you made one
Emily Beth Rusch: Brendi Hazelton, I totally read everyone and started to respond to yours this morning until I got distracted. That happens a lot these days. I will get to it though.
Channy Hansen Fish: A lot of people will most definitely follow you to a blog, as well as some new readers for sure. You'll also get a more organized, chronological record for printing/saving with a blog (this page seems to keep rearranging the order of your posts). However, for photos, questions, quick status updates, and requests for which you'd like comments and feedback, post them on the FB page. Post blog update links on the FB page as well. Then you get the best of both worlds  .
Elizabeth Jefferson Espinoza: Do a blog, and share your posts on fb. Also, I think you'll be able to touch so many people going through similar things in a blog, and I DO think you could publish it as an actual book.
Olivia Margarita Almendares: I would read both, I enjoy your posts and even though I don't comment very often, I've been reading them every day ... I think you could keep your fb readers by linking blog posts to fb. I have a friend who does that and I read her new blog posts and you could ask people to comment on fb about the posts if that's easier? both have advantages but I think it's sometimes harder for people to comment on blog posts, for whatever reason. Regardless of what you decide, I think it's a great decision to write about all that's happened and is happening while its going on...
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: A blog definitely allows comments to be posted. There are companies that print blogs and Facebook posts. I know people who have done both. A blog is nice because you can personalize it with a cute background, and you can still post your writing, pics, and videos. And you can post the links to Facebook. I think a blog would be great, but I would read your posts either way.  I can show you how to start a blog if you've never done one...
Tina Marie Rusch I have been thinking about this, because I am a scrapbooker. I think you should start a blog. I will follow you on my RSS reader. I think a blog is a better way of writing your feelings. I also think that you should make a scrapbook of everything, from when you first found out you were pregnant until whenever you decide. The best place to make a scrapbook is There is also one that does it from blogs, but I don't think that they do such a great job. Picaboo is nice because you can pretty much arrange it yourself! Hope that helps! Let me know if you have questions!
Tana Castleberry: I would say do a blog and just post when you update; people can comment on that post and also comment on your blog post. Blogging keeps it in chronological order and will make it easier to make into a book I think. I enjoy reading your thoughts a lot. I love how open you are in sharing your thoughts; very brave. It inspires me and I'm sure many others.
Jefrilyn Ellison: Tina Hoskisson was just telling me about a program that does this tonight. Blurb?
Krista Mullins: I personally love blogs!
Ashley Frandsen Either way is awesome. I am a sibling to an older sister that passed at birth. I would have loved to have read my parents thoughts and experiences. I would have loved to have gotten a chance to know her through their experience. This will be a huge treasure to your future children. Thanks for sharing with us too. You are my hero!
Carrie Jensen: i think the way fb works is each time someone comments on your post, that particular post gets brought to the top. so a blog would definitely be able to keep everything in chronological order. i love your posts. i feel like you are able to beautifully share your experience with love and grace and strength. i know i have benefitted and increased my prayers and relationship with God through this time, i can very much imagine someone who is in your same situation finding strength and hope through your words. how ever you choose to continue, i will follow, and i know many more will, as well. 
Martha Mooney Granger: I will keep reading it doesn't matter where you write it!
Hannah Granger: BOTH. I think everyone is so intrigued by your posts on here you wouldn't lose many if any readers by doing a blog and you would gain readers who don't know you personally that can relate which could help you. I don't think blogs notify when you've made a new update so def. keep doing Fb. Also, I think your writing would get even better and even more personal through a blog.
Sarah Latchaw: Call me and I can walk you through it. I worked for a social media firm for almost a year with blogs, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. Getting facebook on the phone is an actual rare thing as we tried with one of our clients but we did get one call once from them about something else.
Cat Martin: I'd go the bloig route personally:)
Robert Winsor: I especially like the idea of making a physical book for your future children. My mom's first children, a twin boy and girl, did not live past childbirth and I think if I had been able to read her accounts of what she went through I could better understand while growing up why she still struggled with grief over their absence.
Becca Taylor: I would totally read the blog. I don't know if you even remember me. But I have been thinking about your sweet Addison all day. It makes me sad that you have to go through this, but you seem very strong.
Chelsea Johnston: I've been reading your updates daily and apologize for not making more comments and asking more questions! But I would definitely continue to read your posts either way. I have a friend that blogs religiously and she just posts the link on facebook to make it easier for people to get to (and to remember!) and plus that way people can still make comments on facebook and not have to worry about figuring out how to comment onto her blog. It may make it feel more official for you and would definitely help keep things a little more organized if you're wanting to try it.  and about the book, my grandma published her own book for pretty cheap if you actually do want it in like a hardback book but aren't necessarily wanting to sell it. I can ask her more about it if you'd like.
Camden Fordham Inman: I'm with Chelsea Johnston on this one! And most of the other people as well.  make a blog and post links to Facebook! I will continue following you where ever you decide to write.
Emily Beth Rusch: So im pretty decided. I will do a blog and post links to fb. I also will do my best to make an instructional post on fb so people can access, comment, and share the blog as easily as possible. This change will likely occur on Monday. I think I will also repost all the posts I have written upto this point onto the blog so that it will be easier to make into a book when that time comes.
Jessica Jones Marsaw: Blogs are great! You can include a gallery of Addison's pictures and then have an easy to follow dated journal. I have blogged for years and there are some great websites that will slurp your posts and then publish them in a book. I love it when people post a link on Facebook to their most recent blog post, makes it easy to keep up.

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