Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Peeing a Half Gallon every Hour

March 12, 2014
Got my catheter out tonight around 10 pm. I have been peeing what seems to be a half gallon about every hour which is good because that means to me that some of swelling is draining also. Each time it also gets a little less dark which means hopefully my cholestasis is going away cuz dark urine is a key indicator. Poor Nathan Rusch has been sleeping like a rock. He has been more than I ever imagined through this whole thing. I am so thankful for him. Sometime later this morning I will make a big post or maybe an event site to tell everyone the real details about what happened to Addison and what her prognosis is. We love her so much already. Thank you for all the support. We are truly blessed to have such a loving community of friends and family.
Taurus Womble: I stopped in to check on you guys I saw Nathan asleep so I decided to come back tommorow, got a chance to see Addison she is beautiful!!!!! Let me know if I can bring something tommorow before I go into work.... Glad to hear your peeing well (it's the nurse in me that makes me say that sorry) hope all is well see ya tomorrow.
Emily Beth Rusch: Thanks Taurus Womble! Addison has a couple slight improvement which we are very thankful for although we definitely aren't out of the woods yet. Do you have any ideas about what could make me less itchy?
Amber Kunkee Boyd: I've been thinking about you all day. Praying for all of you too. We love you!
Melissa Jensen Allen: My heart goes out to you both! I hope you are feeling better as well as Addison!! She looks so healthy and so sweet!! I'm sure it won't be long!! Are you still in the hospital for a while? How long do they think she will be there? Our prayers go out for your family!!!
Catherine Doerr: Good morning! Needed to see how u guys r doing. Sounds like some improvement all around. U r blessed and loved.
Emily Beth Rusch: I will be admitted until Saturday. I am thinking maybe a month or more for Addison but Friday will tell us more.
Cornish Kotter: Aren't we all supposed to be sleeping?  sending lots of prayers your way.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Can't stop thinking about you guys. You're in our prayers!
Tamra West: I don't know about you Lisa Kotter but I've been awake since about 2 hours ago. Maybe if I'd checked Facebook sooner I could've gone back to sleep lol. Emily, we're praying for you and Addison and Nathan.
Jefrilyn Ellison: Still itchy? Boo! You need to employ a scratcher!
Trudy Moncrief Troxell: Emily that is great news. So so happy to here sweet lil Addison is improving. She is so beautiful and love the lil toes. Sorry I love baby toes. It is amazing how you can be so in love with your children at first sight. Thanks for posting I have been praying for the Lords hand to strenghten you all. Of anyone I know you can do this you are so strong and Addison is so blessed to have such tender love parents. Walk if the will let ya that will help your tummy muscles so you can be strong. Love ya girly still praying.
Ginger Faulk: Can't get you off my mind...praying for all of you and was glad to see your post this morning telling of slight improvements. Baby steps! Still praying for you and sweet little Addison.
Nathan Rusch: Like a rock.
Jennifer Culp: Love you guys so much! If you need ANYTHING!!!!!!! Constant prayers for you three!!!!
Valerie Jones Merrell: Good morning to Addison! (And you guys, too, of course!)
Jon Allen: Thx for the post Emily. Glad you and baby are improving (somewhat) and Nathan was able to sleep. Baby steps is right. We are continuing the prayers. We love you all!
Gina Granger Heise: Congratulations on Addison! We have been so worried! Our hearts & Prayers are with you all!
Kristi Yancey: Praying for all of you!
Jennifer Carroll Neale:  Emily - we haven't yet met, but Russ, Spencer, Juliet and I are sending lots of hugs and thoughts to you, Nathan and Addison. Congratulations on your beautiful little girl - and lots of positive thoughts are headed your way for her. And remember to take care of yourself as well! Xoxo
Brigetta Blair Love: Praying for Addison!!! These are such hard things you are going through
Jessica Jones Marsaw: Keep the updates coming!
Emily Beth Rusch: Request to join the group I recently created- Addison River Rusch Updates. All updates will now be on there
Joedian Douglas-Hullinger: Praying for you and your family.

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