Sunday, March 16, 2014

Who Does She Look Like?

March 16 at 4:05pm
Jennifer Culp asked me a great question that I thought everyone would want to know. She wanted to know who Addison looks like in my opinion. She even suggested exactly my thoughts. Addison very obviously had her daddy's hair and skin tone. Actually though, I was also born with black hair and her Grandpa on my side, Charles Buddy Granger, has black hair. The fact that she had so much hair is a quality she got from both of us. Just imagine how much she would have had if she was not 3 weeks early!
Her lips were mine. I love how distinctly feminine she was. There was never any doubt she was a girl.
We just an hour ago were contemplating her nose. We got out some pictures of me as a baby and will be getting some of Nathan tonight. The end of her nose is mine, and although Nathan had plastic surgery on his nose after having it smashed when he was six, we think her nostrils are his.
We will have to look more in detail later about her other features. Several of the nurses and staff commented on the softness of her skin as well.
Keep the questions coming. I love sharing about her.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: I was thinking earlier that she was a beautiful, perfect blend of both of you.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: How about her hands--yours or Nathan's? And how long was she?
Jessica Snider: I was thinking she looked a lot like you, but with Nathan's coloring. I would if course have no clue what y'all looked like as babies. And she has the prettiest little lips and nose. Very beautiful!!
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Sorry, one more.  How did you come up with her name? "River" is so beautiful and unique...
Shauna Baang: When I think of babies I think of their feet! If you can get some pics of her feet. They are so tiny and cute. I think you will enjoy memories of her feet as well as everything else! So does she have finger toes or lil bitty toes. High or low arch. Whose feet do they favor most mommies or daddy's? You can probably do the same with her hands too. Oh and if you haven't already compare pics of her with all members of your family: recent and in between!  thank you for sharing and letting us know what helps. I've been at a loss at what to say and do to help. I love you and I just wanna hug you tight and make it all better.
Jennifer Culp: Yes-how did you think of the name 'River"? Was it something about how you two met?!
Nadya John: I agree with you about her feminine features (especially her beautiful lips!). When I showed Joe this pic I commented to him how beautifully and perfectly her features came from both of you.
Rose John: I know it may be too soon but I am curious as to how you feel knowing she's watching over you will affect how you approach life. I don't even know how to properly phrase that but I was asking as my mom and dad each lost children shortly after or at birth in previous marriages and as a sibling who was born after, the fact that I knew they were watching over me would definitely come to mind during character building moments... kind of like thinking what type of sibling I'm showing my one brother and two sisters that I am.
Ashley Tremblay: Such a beautiful girl!
Debra V. Wade: How much did she weigh? She truly is all girl with that soft and delicate face, a real beauty!!
Emily Beth Rusch:  Today has been a very long day and I cannot wait to answer these questions because they are so helpful to me. I just want to write the answers when I'm not as exhausted so please help to remind me to write it on Tuesday if I don't find the time tomorrow. I will say she was 7.9lbs and 19 inches long.
Rachael Bonitz Sanders: I'm so glad you posted this because I was wondering the same thing. I just love all that hair! such a beautiful baby! You'll have to share mommy and daddy's baby pictures for us to compare too

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