Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dying for an Update

March 13 at 8:46pm
I know some of you have been dying for an update, and although I'm not going to comment on Addison's health status right now, I will say we have had a pretty good day. We have spent a lot of time in the nicu and will be there more this evening. It's nicer to be there in the evening because there are less families visiting other children. As long as I'm in the middle ish of my Percocet dose, I am able to stand up straight and walk around with minimal pain. The doctors have been very impressed. Don't worry about me pushing myself too hard, I sit when I need to and use the wheel chair.
It is very touching to see how many people are praying for us, even the ones we don't know. I do try to read all the comments everyone makes. We feel very loved and cherished. Thank you all.
Jennifer Culp: You feel loved and cherished because you are!
Michelle Granger Moose: Stay strong we love you and are praying for you!
Martha Mooney Granger: Absolutely!
Joan Vernott: We are all praying for you up here in Connecticut! We love you!
Nadya John: <3
Ginger Faulk: Glad you're improving and glad you know your limits. Continuing to pray for all three.
Trudy Moncrief Troxell: Wonder news so good to here. Glad you are moving around and gaining your strenght. Amazing how our tummys seem to effect all parts of movement lol. Please tell Addison how loved she is and we know many angels are with her. So grateful for the knowledge of the gospel that Heavenly Father knows just what we need. Love y'all
Tamra West: We've been including all three of you in our prayers when the boys go to bed. And I think of you constantly all day.
Channy Hansen Fish: You don't know me, but I am pleading for you in my prayers tonight. Mommies and babies are near and dear to my heart, and you, Addison, and your family are in my heart and prayers now. May love, hope, peace and comfort surround you all.

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