Monday, March 17, 2014

The Morning of Her Funeral

March 17 at 7:59 am
I'm up. Have been for almost an hour. It's also not the first time. Why must my body have needs I can't sleep through. I sleep hard when I do sleep. Nathan and I are very opposite in that. He falls asleep quickly but has been sleeping lightly and I end up awake for hours. It's probably better that way for him to take care of me. I still wish I could just shut my eyes and be gone though. Addison probably wants me to think about her. To take this time not to plan or organize but just to remember her. She knows best. I remember handing her over the night she passed. I have always loved forhead kisses and I just couldn't give her enough. Her skin was so soft to my lips. And her hair just the same to my fingers. After I blew my hair dry today, it felt like hers. I just ran my fingers through it, trying to imagine hers long. It probably would have been fairly straight like daddy and mine. I would have let it grow to be about half way between her shoulder and elbow and it wouldn't have taken long to reach that length.
We got to give her a bath before she passed. We didn't want to be worried or rushed about her leaving us during it so they took off all her non essential monitors and tubes. We used a little tub of warm water and so softly dampened her skin and used the tiniest bottle of baby soap. We washes her hair and there were so many bubbles. I would have so much enjoyed her getting older and making Mohawks and other funny hair dos with all the suds.
I used to be afraid of her crying during bath time. Letting her get cold and not being able to go quick enough because we were being so careful. But afterwords would have been great. When I would snuggle her in a hooded towel and she would nestle into me for warmth. She maybe would even fall asleep just like that from being so exhausted after her bath. I would rock her and never stop stroking her freshly clean hair. She would smell so good too. I can't imagine a happier state to be in with her. It makes me sad to remember.
In half an hour my alarm will go off. I won't sleep before then. I'll take a shower and eat. I will read my letter to her over with the speaker so it will sound just like mommy meant it to. My sister will do my make up. I will get dressed. And then I will go to see her in person for the last time on this earth. How tragic it feels that it will be the last time. That she must return to a state of what she was made of. I don't mean bagels, gold fish, and mac and chz. I want to just be able to hold her.
I hope to see you all today and show you my precious little girl, Addison.
Taurus Womble: Jelaire and I have been thinking about you guys today. Praying that the spirt may wrap comforting arms around you guys and shield you. We love you guys so much sorry we can't be there...
Jefrilyn Ellison: She is thinking of you right now, too. I am glad that I was able to meet her and hold her hand. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with me!
Deb Sutton: I prayed for you throughout the night. The saddest thing a parent will ever experience is closing the casket of their child. I am praying the Holy Spirit will comfort you and that Jesus will give you strength and moment-by-moment grace. I'm so glad we know the truth and reality of Heaven!
Joedian Douglas-Hullinger: We wont be able to make it but we will be thinking of you and your family.
Ginger Faulk: I do hope to be there today to share in the joy of your baby's short, sweet life here on earth. Sweet Addison touched so many hearts.
Jessica Snider: We will see y'all there!! What a tragic way to meet her...but still look forward to seeing her in person...your beautiful angel we've been praying for.
Jon Allen: I feel lost here in Arizona. Unable to be there with you, feel of your spirit , give you a hug. I am happy to know that there are so many there with you that love you - that you will be surrounded and buoyed up by their words and hugs and presence. I pray that you will find peace and comfort in the knowledge of God's plan for you, and for Addison. Addison, my sister and yours, a gift from God, who too briefly came into our lives, and too quickly has gone, but leaving behind an indelible bit of heaven to be cherished forever. Love you Addison. And we love your parents.
Tiffany Spagnuolo Burlew: My heart just breaks for you. I pray for your family to have peace at this time.
Jennifer Carroll Neale: Emily - I so wish I could be there today to comfort you and give you hugs. I've been thinking of you, Nathan and Addison all weekend and truly wish there was something I could to to help ease your pain now and in the time to come.
One thing that has given me a slight bit of comfort is that I can picture my grandmother - Nathan's grandmother and Mary's mother - with a huge smile on her face, holding Addison with her strong arms and letting her sleep on her soft bosom. She was an amazing woman and will be taking wonderful care of Addison until you see her again. Please have Nathan's mom show you some photos of her. Gram had given me much comfort when I was growing up, and she will do the same for Addison. I can promise you that.
Sending much love, strength and comfort to all of you today.
Debra V. Wade: We love you Emily and Nathan and how blessed this daughter of God is to have you as parents. Thank you for sharing your most tender thoughts with us, so humbling to read. It puts in perspective what is really important on this earth. May your Father in Heaven wrap his arms of comfort around you both, not only today but throughout your journey here until you once again scoop this sweet angel back into your waiting arms.
Tabitha Owens Welch: I've only met you and Nathan a couple of times but I've known the Rusch family since I moved here 8 years ago and I love them dearly. I was deeply saddened to hear of the loss of your sweet baby girl. I cannot even imagine what you must be feeling, but I want you to know that we have been praying for you since we heard about Addison's birth. We will continue to pray as I'm sure there are many difficult days ahead of you. I wish I could be there today to express this in person but I have a previous commitment that I have to honor. My husband Ben is planning to drop in for the calling hours so hopefully you will see him. I've been so touched by all your posts here about your love for your daughter and your feelings about her life. It's made me hug my own children a little tighter. Thank you for sharing your strength and faith with us all.
Channy Hansen Fish: You are such an incredible mommy in every way. Your words always bring hot tears to my eyes and a sympathetic ache to my heart. I am so looking forward to meeting you and your precious baby today. You are truly an inspiration to us all in your strength and contagious love for Addison... though I'm certain that you would much prefer to be quietly at home with your sweet baby and the rest of the world none-the-wiser of your joyful start to motherhood. Whether you are up, down, or in between in your grief at any given, Addison and Nathan are an inspiration to us all, and we all wish to help you carry your pain.
Kristi Yancey: We won't be able to join you in saying goodbye to your beautiful daughter. Just know our thoughts and prayers will be with you today and in the months to come.
Serenity Anderson: How I wish I could be there
Lauren AshLee Sturdevant :We couldn't make it to meet your little angel. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.
Olivia Margarita Almendares: Your letters were so touching, I felt such a strong spirit today during the service. Addison was beautiful with such marvelous dark hair! Emily, I admire your strength and courage, and I know the Savior will continue to help bear you up.
Katherine Brown Selin: The services were beautiful and moving. Thank you for letting us be apart of her life.

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