Tuesday, March 11, 2014

7 Lbs 9 Ounces

March 11, 2014
Here is baby Addison. Hooked up to about 6 machines. 7 lbs 9 oz — with Emily Beth Rusch.
Tina Marie Rusch: Poor sick girl! We are praying for her!
Stefanie Vaught: Poor little baby! I'll be prayer for all three of you!
Chelsea Yancey: This must be so hard for you guys. Is there anything I can do? I want to help in anyway I can. Sending prayers your way!
Jefrilyn Ellison: Sweet baby
Lynn Allen: Sweet, sweet girl! She's in our prayers!
Krista Mullins: Poor little pumpkin! She looks like a little fighter though, you got this baby girl!
Krista Mullins: (PS- She's super beautiful! Is that hair I see? What a healthy weight for being early too! Way to go Rusch's!)
Jessica Jones Marsaw: I'm sure y'all know our latest started life in the NICU hooked up to a bunch of machines too. I know just how emotionally challenging that is. Y'all hang in there! You're in our prayers.
Helen Ziga: She is beautiful. Sending you all all my love. Every minute, every hour she is getting stronger.
Tabitha Weiler Armstrong: Oh, she's absolutely beautiful. Praying for all of you...
Sarah Marsh Hamilton: She is adorable!! Lots of prayers!
Amber Croxall: She is a beauty, like her mama. You are in our prayers.
Kelleen Penn Hemsley: love and prayer are with you
Emily Mullins Heaton: Hang in there. We'll keep your girls in our prayers
Jennifer Culp: Such a sweet baby girl!
Cade Robertson: Isn't it amazing how proud you are of that baby, immediately?? I know you, and I wanna say - chin up, bro. You're strong, and so is that baby!
Trudy Moncrief Troxell: She is beautiful you go girl fight fight fight we are praying you you all.
Thomas Lewis: awe. she is so beautiful!
Rebecca Harris Roberts: Prayers for you and your girls sweetie...she is darling and will be the apple of your eye!
Melinda Davis: Prayers
Michelle Granger Moose: You just have to have faith and put it in gods hands... she is beautiful!
Lisa Schwartz: Our prayers are with you both and your beautiful daughter
Patti Mendez Cagle: She's beautiful, Nathan. Our prayers are with you all.
Marcy Howard: bless her heart! praying! She's a sweetie!
Helen Robertson: Nathan she is beautiful prayers are for all of you, love you
Lauren Troxell: So beautiful!!! Praying for all of you.
Catherine Doerr: She is a beauty and a fighter, just like her MOM
Lizandro Aguilar Rodriguez Un abrazo y muchas bendiciones hermano mío!
Emily Rusch: Look at that hair!! And she looks huge! How much does she weigh?
Emily Beth Rusch: 7.9
Jelaire Womble: 7.9 another 3 weeks and she would have been 11-12 lbs. She is going to do great and Taurus is right she is beautiful
Emily Rusch: A Rusch baby indeed.
Jennifer Wallace Wells: She is a doll! Praying for you guys!
Joan Vernott: Addison looks pink and pretty. Much love to you three!
Lisa Cheesman Forsyth: Hang in there baby girl! This life is so fun once they unhook all those machines!! I've got a couple cute boys for you to hang with!!
Mylene Fairclough: Our prayers are with all of you!
Jennifer Carroll Neale: Thinking of the three of you!
Megan Houghton: She's so beautiful. Addison is in our prayers!
June Poole Olsen: You all are in our prayers. She is a beautiful baby.
Ginger Faulk: She's a beauty. Her weight will be a plus as she fights to get off the machines. Praying for all of you. Keep us informed.
Haley Flanders: Praying for you Nathan. Lots of babies have complications and make it out just fine! She's beautiful.
Fran Folsom Nickerson: Beautiful! Praying for the three of you
Jalaire Hickman: Love you baby Addison. Keep hanging tough sugar plum.
Kami Walker: I am sad but joyous you have her! Hang in there. all my love and support!
Deborah Paulukaitis: Aww, look at her chubby cheeks and those chubby little legs! (All my girls had those too.) Breathe deep and strong, Addison...
Stephen Done: congrats!
Melissa Brown: What a darling baby! She looks so big and strong.  Look forward to your updates and hope Mom and Addison get healthy and home soon!
Helen Robertson: keep us posted
Jim Brinkerhoff: She is a cutie...we have you, your family and her in our prayers.

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